Tie You Up(E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning ⚠️
Dom Lizzie x Sub reader

Y/N pov

I was on my way home from work, I couldn't wait to see my fiancé. I've been working really hard lately doing extra hours at the office so I can upgrade Lizzie's garden for a surprise.
I walked inside our shared home and she wasn't anywhere downstairs. I walked up to our shared room to find her our bed in her underwear.

"Hi baby, I missed you." She said softly as she walked over and placed a chaste kiss to my lips.

"Hi, as much as I'm loving the view but what is it for." I asked her confused as I sat on the edge of our bed to take my boots off.

"I um wanted to try some new things if you're up for it." She said shyly.

"And what new things do you have in mind?" I asked her with a quirked eyebrow.

"Well, I want to tie you up and take control of what's mine." She said seductively as she held up silk ties while I gulped. We've never used anything like that, it's always been fingers and tongues and vibrators.

"And what are you going to do when you've got me where you want me?" U said as I walked over to her.

"I am going to fuck you senseless that you won't be able to walk for days." She said as she started to take my shirt off before unbuckling my trousers. "I'm going to mark every part of your body. I'm going to blind fold you so that you can't see a single thing and you won't know whats going to happen next until it happens." She said before she kissed me roughly after ridding me of my clothes. She pushed me on the bed so I shuffled up towards the pillows as she hovered over me. I watched her every move as she tied my wrists to the bed posts. "Is this OK?" She asked softly as I pulled on the ties.

"Yes it's OK princess." I told her honestly before for she leant down and gave me a kiss before she blindfolded me. She went down and tied my ankles to the bed posts so I was spread like a star.

"What's the code word if you want me to stop." She asked me softly as I heard her shuffling.

"Red." I said as I waited in anticipation for what's going to happen.

"Good girl." She said as she kissed up my body before smashed her lips on mine roughly. She moved her lips down to my neck sucking harshly before licking over it to soothe the pain. She moved her kisses down to my chest before taking one of my lips in her mouth sucking harshly while her free hand scratched down my stomach to circle my clit. I arched my back as moans left my mouth as she gave my other breast the same attention as the other. I whined when I felt her move away from me and the bed. It felt like ages until I heard a buzzing sound before she pressed the vibrator to my clit. I moaned loudly as she thrusted 2 fingers in my entrance. She thrusted in at a painfully slow pace as she kept the toy pressed on my clit.

"F.faster please mummy." I moaned out, I heard her moan at what I called her as she started to thrust faster and harder adding another finger. I could feel the knot in my stomach telling me that I was close. "I'm gonna cum. Please can I cum mummy?" I begged her.

"You can cum baby girl." She cooed as she kept up her pace. I came all over her fingers as she helped me ride out my high. I whined at the emptiness when she removed her fingers and the toy away. "You're gonna make mummy cum now baby girl." She said as I heard her shuffle on the bed. Before I knew it, her dripping cunt was on my face as I started to instantly devour her. I sucked harshly on her clit as she grinded on my face. I heard her moans like music to my ears. "Mummy's gonna cum baby girl and your gonna swallow it all up." She said as I moaned sending vibrations through her core. It didn't take long for her to cum as I swallowed every last drop. She removed herself from myself kissing me hungrily moaning as she tasted herself on my tongue. She moved her self down to my core and dived straight in making me moan as she thrusted her tongue fast in my core while her thumb applied pressure to my clit. I moaned loudly as she went at a fast pace as her free hand massaged my breast. I was a moaning mess beneath her. It didn't take long before I came for the second time. When she removed herself from me I heard shuffling as she got up off of the bed. "Ok I've got a new toy for us both to try when I went to the store today." She said softly as I heard her make her way up the bed.

"What is it?" I asked in anticipation.

"Well it will give us both some satisfaction." She said as I heard the smirk in her voice. She kissed me roughly before inserting the toy in my core making me moan loudly. She started to roll her hips moving the toy in and out of my dripping core making us both moan. "Do you like that baby?"

"Yess. God yes mummy." I moaned out as she hit my g spot going harder and deeper inside. We were both moaning messes as you could hear the slapping of our skin as she thrusted. I could feel myself getting closer to my climax again. "I'm gonna cum." I breathed out as she worked and I felt the sweat dripping off of both our bodies.

"Wait for me baby girl." She moaned as she continued to thrust faster and harder. I felt the tears pool in my eyes as I felt my denied orgasm get painful.

"I can't hold it mummy." I moaned as she kept thrusting faster and harder.

"Cum with me baby." She said as she continued her thrusts. It didn't take us both too long to cum as we both moaned loudly. She slowed her thrusts down before she pulled out. She removed the blindfold and the ties as it took a while for my eyes to adjust to the light. After she cleaned us both up she lay down with her head on my chest as I pulled the comforter over us both. "How was that baby?" She asked me softly.

"Honestly, at first I was unsure about the ties and blindfold but it was immense. The anticipation of not knowing what's going to happen adds to the excitement especially if its with someone you love and feel safe with." I told her honestly.

"So I didn't go too far?" She asked with worry in her eyes.

"No. I enjoyed it with you being in control. It was a whole new side to you and it was sexy as fuck." I told her with a smirk making her giggle.

"God I love you so much." She said with a bright smile.

"I love you more." I told her softly.

"Not possible." She said as she pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

It's my first time doing full on gxg so I hope it was good.
Hope you guys enjoyed it 😊

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