Haircut (E.O)

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Requested by bingb0ng242

Y/N pov

I was just sat on our bed while strumming my guitar while lizzie just kept huffing.

"You ok love?" I asked her as I turned my attention to her.

"I need to get my hair cut and my usual place is fully booked." She said sadly as she sat beside me on the bed.

"Well I know a place. Come on get up and ready and meet me downstairs." I told her as I placed my guitar down and started out of the door. Once we were both in the car she was quiet watching were I was going. I grew up in the poor side of LA, so I took her to the place that helped me get were I was today. As soon as we pulled up outside of the hair salon she just looked at me.

"Here?" She asked as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Yeah, I used to work here. I started off with brushing the floors until Maria taught me how to cut. I used my money to by a keyboard and a guitar and kept them here. She pretty much supported my dream to become a singer." I told her as I got our of the car. "Dont worry love. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet." I told her as we walked inside.

"Oh my, is it my little superstar?" I heard Maria say as she stood up from washing a customers hair.

"Hi Maria, this is Lizzie my girlfriend. She needs a haircut and her usual spot was fully booked." I told her as she pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm pretty tight here myself but you're welcome to do it for her. Just take that spare seat over there." She said as she pointed to a spare spot.

"Come on love." I said as I dragged her over to the seat and put the coverall over her shoulders.

"Are you sure about this baby." She asked me through the mirror with worry in her eyes.

"I'm sure love. I know what I'm doing." I told her softly.

"Well she did learn from the best." Maria shouted over making us laugh.

Lizzies pov

I was really nervous about Y/N cutting my hair since I didn't know that she could cut hair. There seems to be alot I don't really know about her. I hummed as I felt her hands massaged my scalp as she washed and conditioned my hair. Once she had finished we went over to the seat I was in before I told her what I wanted. All of my worries seem to go away when I saw her concentrated face as she trimmed my hair before she dried and styled it for me. I looked at it through the mirror as I admired her work.

"So what do you think love." She asked me softly as her head rested on my shoulder.

"I love it baby." I told her softly as she brushed off the hair before taking the coverall off my shoulders.

"Hey before you go. I think you should play us a song Y/N." Maria asked with a smile as I watched the silent battle Y/N was having with herself.

"I don't know." She said as she played with her fingers.

"Please, I've missed hearing you're voice." Maria said with a pout. "You're keyboard is still set up in the corner."

"Go on baby." I encouraged her as she reluctantly walked over to the keyboard and started to tune it to the settings she needed. Everyone turned to watch her waiting for her to play

AN Listen to I'll be alright by Christopher bensinger

Even when it's cold, you know I'll be there
No matter where we go, you know I'm right here
I'm holding onto you with all my feelings, without you

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now