Fight (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Dom Lizzie GiP x Sub. Reader.

Lizzie's pov

We were all sat around Scarletts house drinking and celebrating Scarletts 10 years at marvel. All of the cast were here to celebrate with her. I was sat on a small chair with Y/N sat on the floor in between my legs. We were all laughing and joking. Y/N wasn't drinking since she's been 2 years sober and I'm proud of her.

"We should play truth or dare." RDJ shouted earning a lot of groans in protest.

"Definitely not. I'm not drunk for that." Y/N said as she flipped him off.

"I think it could be interesting." I said with a smirk.

"See, at least lizzie has sense." He shouted making me chuckle at him.

"Well who's going first." Scar asked.

"Ok well, Scar truth or dare." He asked her with a smirk.

"Oh I'm playing it safe so truth." She said as she took a sip of her drink.

"If you could be with someone from this room who would it be." He asked her.

"Y/N." She answered quickly with a smirk sending a wink at her.

"Oooh." He said as he put his hand over his mouth. It went around everyone until it was Y/Ns turn.

"Y/N truth or dare." He asked.

"You know what dare." She said with a smirk.

"I dare you to kiss Scarlett for 1 minute." He said with a grin. I was beyond furious. They all know that we are together. I watched furiously as she straddled scarletts lap and kissed her passionately. I waited for the minute to be over. As soon as it was I dragged her outside with the keys to her car for her to take us both home.

"Are you OK love?" She asked me softly while I just scoffed at her. "Ok then." She said as she kept her eyes on the road. Once she pulled up outside my house I quickly got out of the car and walked I'm the house without glancing back at her.

"Ok, I'm sensing that you are angry." She said as she sat down on the sofa.

"Of course I am. You blatantly snogged Scar right in front of me. Your girlfriend." I shouted at her.

"It was a game. It didn't mean anything." She shouted back at me.

"Then why were you blushing after you kissed her." I shouted at her a I ran my hands through my hair.

"I don't know." She said quietly.

"Do you have feelings for her?" I asked her as her eyes just widened.

"No. I get that she is beautiful in her own way. But you are the one I want to be with forever. The one I want to have a family with one day. The one I want to marry." She shouted as she stepped closer to me. I slammed my lips onto hers in a rough heated kiss as I ripped her top showing her braless chest.

"You little whore. You didn't wear a bra to a party." I told her as I sucked harshly on her neck.

"You she see my underwear." She moaned out as I attacked her neck. I unbuttoned her jeans and slipped my hand i running it through her wet folds.

"So wet for me already. Or is it for Scarlett." I said as I glared at her while I shoved three fingers inside her without warning making her moan loudly. "These are in the way." I said as I tugged on her jeans with my free hand. She quickly threw them off landing somewhere in the living room. I was thrusting my fingers in her entrance at a fast pace making her moan loudly. She gripped on my shoulders for support.

"I'm gonna cum." She moaned out but I pulled my fingers out making her whine.

"You cum when I say." I spat at her. "Bedroom now." I told her as I spanked her. I watched as she ran upstairs. Just the sight of her perky ass making me harder. When I got there she was already laid out on the bed with her legs open. I walked over to my draw and took out ties to tie her wrists and legs to the bed posts. "You will not touch me or make a sound."

"Yes daddy." She moaned out as she watched me tie her.

"I said no sounds from that pretty mouth." I said as I gripped her jaw while she just nodded. I kissed her roughly before ridding myself of my clothes. I climbed on top of her teasing her entrance with my already hard cock. I watched as she bit her lip harshly to prevent herself from moaning. I pushed myself into her hard making myself moan. I started to thrust fast and hard. "I want you to watch me fuck you." I told her as I gripped her jaw. She widened her eyes as I hit the right spot. I kissed her roughly as I moaned into her mouth. I felt myself getting closer to my climax and u could tell she is really close to hers. I can see the tears of over stimulation fall down her cheeks.

"Cum with me baby." I moaned out as I filled her up with my sperm as she came all down my cock. I kissed her roughly before looking I'm her eyes.

"Who do you belong to?" I asked her.

"You daddy." She whispered making me smile.

"Damn right you do." I said before I kissed her gently. I untied her and lay beside her. She rested her head on my chest as I pulled the covers over us both and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you so much princess." I told her as I pressed a soft kiss to her head.

"I love you more baby." She said tiredly.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now