Leaked Sex Tape (E.O)

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Requested by skyeaztex26

Reader GiP

Smut Warning

Y/N pov

I was invited to a party by a friend. He only invited his single friends saying that we all needed to let loose. So I got myself ready to go since I was bored anyways and needed to get laid. So as soon as I walked inside there was already a lot of people making out and slowly starting their sexcapades. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and saw a stunning green eyed girl in the kitchen. She looked uncomfortable in her surroundings.

"Hey, I'm Y/N." I introduced myself hoping to make her feel better.

"Hi, I'm Lizzie." She smiled at me.

"You seem slightly uncomfortable." I told her as I stood beside her.

"Is it obvious?" She asked me.

"Yeah. Did you come with anyone?" I asked her.

"Yeah, my best friend Aubrey. She dragged me here saying I need to let loose since the divorce." She told me.

"My friend is the guy hosting it unfortunately and he said the exact same thing to me." I told her making her chuckle. "Well if you want, we shall take this bottle of whiskey and sneak up to his bedroom. He always locks it when he throws these parties." I suggested to her.

"Yeah. That sounds great." She told me as she took my hand. We walked through all of the naked bodies that were ravaging each other like they were each others last meal. Once we got to his bedroom door. "Do you have a key?" She asked me.

"Of course." I said as I started to pick the lock. Once I opened the door I allowed her in first before closing and locking the door behind me. She sat on the bed as I approached and took a swig from the whiskey before sitting beside her. She then took the bottle from me and took a swig of it herself while keeping eye contact. Fuck that was so hot.

"So what do you do Y/N?" She asked me as she passed me the bottle again.

"I am in a band." I told her. "What about you?"

"I am an actress." She said as she took the bottle from me again. "So what is the band called?"

"The Night Walkers. You probably haven't heard of us before." I told her since she doesn't seem the type of girl to listen to our style of music.

"Oh my god. I love your music." She squealed as I took the bottle off her and placed it on the floor. "You guys opened up for Milo Greene a few years back and I have been following your music since." She told me excitedly.

"Oh they were great people the hang with. I haven't spoke to them in a while though." I told her honestly. I watched as her demeanor changed. "What's wrong?"

"Sorry, it's just that my ex husband is in Milo Greene." She told me softly.

"Sorry, well he seems like a dick to let a woman as beautiful as you go." I told her as I tucked some hair behind her ear. I watched as her eyes shifted between my own.

"Well I just want to forget for tonight though." She whispered.

"I can help you forget if you'd like." I told her as I turned to reach for the whiskey. She grabbed my collar and kissed me roughly before I could even reach it. I gripped her hips as she held my shoulders deepening the kiss. "Are you sure about this?" I asked her as we pulled away for air

"I am." She whispered before she straddled my lap and kissed me hard. Her hands pushed off my jacket and dropped it to the floor. I caressed up her bare thighs as our tongues danced in unison as she rolled her hips. My hands reached the zipper on her dress and pulled it down. I looked her up and down in just her underwear before I kissed her hard again. She started to undo my shirt then the rest of my clothes followed hers leaving the two of us in our underwear. I unclasped her bra before I followed her onto the bed without breaking the kiss. I moved my kisses down her neck and sucked harshly earning a loud moan. I guess I found her sweet spot. I took her breasts in my hands and pinched the nipples making her arch her back. "Fuck." She breathed out as I sucked harshly on her nipple as my free hand caressed her soft flawless skin beneath me. I soon reached her underwear and slid them down her legs before licking a strip through her folds before sucking on her sensitive clit. I slammed two fingers in her aching core earning a gutteral moan on response. I thrusted in a fast pace as she gripped my hair tightly keeping me in place. "Fuck I'm gonna." She screamed as she moaned my name as she came on my face. I lapped up every last drop of it before I kissed up her body as she calmed down. When she opened her eyes she pushed me off her so my back landed on the bed beside her. I watched as she got up and took my boxers off and started to stroke up my hardened cock. She then lined herself up and lowered herself down making us both moan loudly. She started to bounce up and down and I couldn't keep my eyes off her breasts bouncing in sync with her movements. I then gripped her hips and met her thrusts harshly making her moan louder. I could feel her reaching her second orgasm and she let go with a few final thrusts. I didn't give her time to calm down as I flipped us both over before slamming into her again trying to reach my high. I could tell she was reaching her third as I was finally reaching mine. It didn't take her long to cum all over my cock as I pulled out and finished on her stomach. I sat on my knees between her legs and watched as she got all of my juices off her stomach and sucked her fingers clean.

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