My Ballet Dancer (E.O)

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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Y/N pov

Since we have been stuck in lockdown and I've still been going to work while Lizzie is stuck at home. I guess that's the perks of being a surgeon. I honestly don't know how may times I've come home to the house in different shapes to what I left it. She would move the furniture around in all of the rooms. Even in my office. I've seen my drawers completely reorganised. The closet organised in colours or type of outfit. I've come home to countless different recipes been made. To be fair, quite a lot of them were absolutely delicious. She's repainted some of the rooms. She's just tried to find whatever she could to try and occupy herself while I'm not there.

As I had just finished dealing with my last patient I headed to my office to get my things sorted out and answer some emails before I headed home.

Once I had made it home I was confused because I was usually greeted by Lizzie as soon as I walked in. But it was different tonight. I heard some classical music coming from the dining room so I walked there quietly. I saw Lizzie mid pirouette as she moved gracefully around the room. I noticed that she had moved the table and chairs to a corner. I just watched in awe as she moved to the music. I couldn't help the smile on my face watching her enjoy herself in something that she hasn't done in years since she was in college. Once she turned around she stopped moving and walked up to me.

"Oh my god, you're home. Why didn't you tell me?" She said as she kissed me softly.

"Because I was enjoying watching you dance. You were so graceful." I told her softly.

"Oh please, it was choppy. I'm out of practice." She said with a slight chuckle.

"No it wasn't. It was amazing. You looked so lost in the music and the dance." I told her softly.

"No I wasn't. I haven't danced since college and it's been years." She said as she looked down.

"You're my ballet dancer." I told her with a smile which she returned.

"And your my, I don't know yet." She said with a laugh

"Here I thought you loved me." I said with fake hurt making her laugh harder.

"You're my light in the dark." She said softly. "Is that better?"

"You know before you asked is that better, it was but then you completely ruined it." I laughed with her.

"Oh my god. You're such a dork." She told me. "Come and dance with me." She said as she pulled me into the room.

"No, you know I can't dance." I told her as I still let her lead me

"Come on ill help you." She said as she put the music back on. "Put your hands here." She said as she placed my hand on her hips. "That's good." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder before putting her other hand in my free hand. "And now just sway to the music." She said as we both just danced the night away in our dining room. I spun her around making her giggle softly making me smile. "And I thought you couldn't dance." She teased me.

"I can, I just don't like to." I told her honestly.

"So what dance can you do?" She asked me curiously.

"Well, I can break and salsa." I said quietly.

"Oh my god, you're going to have to teach me the salsa one day." She said brightly.

"No, I haven't done it in years." I told her with a small laugh.

"Please for me." She said with those puppy eyes that she knows I can't say no to.

"Fine I will one day. But I just want to hold you close for tonight." I told her softly as I gazed into her eyes. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss.

"I like the sound of that." She whispered as we continued to dance softly to the music.

I hope you guys enjoyed this little fluffy one. I'm sorry it's a short one.

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