We Will Meet Again in Another Life (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed. It has been a couple of months since my fiancé had been declared MIA. I spent most of my time throwing myself into work or crying myself to sleep. I couldn't stop myself thinking the worst has happened to her. She was deployed 10 months ago, so she should've been home this month. But I'm not getting my hopes up. All I think about most of the time is our times that we had together. Like how we would talk for hours about what we wanted our future to be.

We were both cuddled up watching TV on the sofa. Enjoying eachothers warmth.

"Do you think that we will get our happy ending?" I asked her as i looked up at her from her chest.

"Yeah I do. I see us both happily married with a few kids running around the yard with our dog, while we're sat on the porch swing together holding hands. Sending our kids off to college and watching them grow through all of their failures and success and being there for them. Obviously letting you give them the talk." She said with a laugh as I hit her shoulder. "But I picture having you by my side until the day we die. Living a full life together."

"I want that, all of that and more with you" I told her as I pressed a kiss to her lips.

Flashback end.

Everytime I would think about our happy times together would bring a smile to my face. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise that Scarlett had let herself into our apartment with my sisters and Aubrey. Scar made her way to the bedroom and leaned against the door frame.

"Are you OK Lizzie?" She asked me softly which I just nodded not trusting my voice. I had distanced myself away from everyone over the past 2 months. I know it was hard on her aswell since they were like best friends since they met 5 years ago when I introduced her to my friends. They both clicked immediately like platonic soulmates.

"Well were here for you and your spending the day with us. No excuses." She said as she left the room. I made my way into the bathroom to do my morning routine before putting on some sweats and one of Y/Ns hoodies before joining the girls in the living room.

"Hey Lizzie, how are you feeling?" Ashley asked which I just smiled at her. I still didn't trust myself talking in fear of breaking down.

"Were supposed to get married next month." Was the first thing I said as I sat down next to Scarlett. They all just looked at me with sorrow in their eyes.


I came home from a long day at work, I was surprised to see the living room decorated with candles lit and Rose petals on the floor in the shape of a heart with Y/N stood in the centre. I made my way over to her and gave her a soft kiss. She took a hold of my hands before she started talking.

"I've known from the moment we met that you are the one I see my future with. You are every bit of happiness and hope I have within me. No matter how many arguments we have whether important or silly, I know that you will always have my heart and soul. I don't know what is going to happen in the future, but I do know is that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I gasped as she got down on one knee with tears streaming down my face. "So Elizabeth Chase Olsen, would you make me the luckiest person alive and marry me?" She said as she opened the ring box to show a platinum band with a sapphire diamond.

"Yes" I said through my tears, knowing that so far this is by far the happiest day of my life. She put the ring on my finger and lifted me up and spun me around making me laugh before putting me down and pulling me in for a passionate kiss.

Flashback end

Everyone was just sat in silence not knowing what to say. So I decided to get up and get myself another coffee. We were all soon broken out of our silence when there was a knock on the door. I slowly made my way over not expecting anyone else today. As soon as I opened it I regretted it. I saw 2 MPs in there dress blues holding an American flag. I just froze in my spot.

"Are you Miss Elizabeth Olsen?" One of the asked and I just nodded. "May we come in?" I nodded and stepped aside and they followed me into the living room. I sat back in my seat next to Scar, I could feel the tears starting to fall knowing whats coming.

"I'm sorry to inform that Sergeant Y/N Y/L/N was KIA. As you know 2 months ago we had found there convoy ambushed and our troops had been taken as prisoners of war. I'm sorry to say that we were too late to save her. You have our condolences ma'am." He said as he passed over the flag. "There was also a letter addressed to you in her safety deposit box at the base." He reached into his pocket and passed me an envelope with her handwriting. MK had got up to show them both out as I just collapsed in tears knowing that she was never going to come back to me. I don't know how long I was crying for as I found myself sat on the floor with Scarletts arms wrapped around me in a tight embrace. I held the envelope tightly to my chest not being able to bring myself to read it yet.

Scarletts pov

I sat there on the floor letting her cry it out knowing that she has gone through the worst pain anyone can go through. I was silently crying knowing that I wasn't going to see my best friend again. I was distraught but I know that Lizzie needs me to be strong for her right now. As soon as she started to calm down I had managed to get her to go to bed and she fell asleep almost immediately. I made my way back into the living room to see the others crying. We all had grown to love Y/N since she came into our lives.

"How is she?" Aubrey asked as she pulled me into a hug.

"I don't think she going to be OK for a very long time." I told her as tears fell down my face. "I think you need to tell your parents" I told the twins knowing that it broke them seeing their baby sister going through this.

Lizzies pov

I woke up a few hours later hoping that it was all just a bad dream until I saw the envelope and realised it wasn't. I had decided to open the letter to read it.

My love

I'm sorry if you received this letter. I wrote incase of not being able to come home to you. I hope you don't receive and I get to throw it away before hand. I really wanted to grow old with you and have our own little family with pur own farmhouse, so you can have a bigger garden and teach our kids how to garden and be as amazing as you. I just need you to know that you have made me the happiest person in the times that I got to call you my girlfriend, and we'll fiancé now. I'm honestly the luckiest person alive to have you love me with all that you are. I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough to make it home to you so we can live out our dreams together. We will be together again in another lifetime. I will always be with you.

I love you with everything I am and we will meet again in another life.

Your doofus

I couldn't help the sad smile on my face as I read over her handwriting. It was the last thing I have of her now and I'm going to cherish it with everything I am. She made me the happiest person alive and I am lucky to have her love me as much as she did. I know that this pain will take a while to get easier. I know it won't heal but I will learn to live with it over time. I will make sure to live our dreams for the both of us.

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