I Love You Lizzie (E.O)

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Y/N pov

To alot of people who aren't close to me would think that I have the perfect life and that I'm very happy. I have a beautiful fiancé, who I intend to marry. I have amazing friends and an awesome career. So you'd think that I'm living the dream. But the one thing that people don't see is that they couldn't be more wrong.

Ever since I was a kid, my mum put me down for modelling, and then she put me in for auditions. I barely went to school, up until I was 18, my mum pretty much used all of the money I had earned. She would make sure that she had everything that she wanted. She fed her own alcohol addiction before she moved onto drugs. When I had a breakdown when I was 23, she claimed to my management team that i was unstable and made sure that she was the only person who had access to my bank accounts. She had practically ran me dry up until I managed to get myself back up and got myself more projects. But now I'm 27 and apart of the marvel franchise which is where I met my fiancé. Lizzie has been staying at her place getting it ready for us both moving in together. So I was currently sat on my sofa watching my favourite TV show until my mum walked in.

"Hey kid. You need to find more projects, you're funds are running low." She said as she placed her handbag on the counter.

"What do you mean?" I asked her as I stood up and faced her.

"You're running out of money. Do I need to simplify it for you." She huffed as she drank my whiskey

"Seriously mum. That's my money, what the fuck are you spending it on?" I asked her getting irritated.

"That is none of your business." She shouted at me. "You know you wouldn't be where you are today if it wasn't for me. I got you this far in your career. Not you, me." I looked in her eyes and noticed that they where blood shot and her pupils where tiny. She was high. 

"You know that I was the one who put in the work. You just knew who to call." I told her

"No you didn't. You're useless. You always were and always will be. Soon enough that fiancé of yours will soon figure that out and leave you. Just like your dad did. You made him leave us both." She seethed as she got in my face. I could feel the stinging of tears in my eyes as I tried everything in me not to cry in front of her. "You know sometimes I wish I got rid of you when I had the chance. We both didn't want you. You ruined our lives."

"No." I said quietly shaking my head.

"Yes you did. If you didn't come along, I would be living my dream but no I had to be a mother to a child I didn't want. You know what would be easier on everyone is that you go and kill yourself. It will do everyone a favor since you're nothing but an inconvenience." She said as she poked my chest. I was lost for words at what she was saying. She looked at me with disgust before leaving the apartment. I was sat there with her words going through my head. Not just what she just said but everything that she had said to me since I was a kid. All I ever was to her was a way to make money  to feed her lifestyle but I won't do that no more. I'm done with this life. So I walked to my bathroom and opened the cabinet above the sink. I took the bottle of prosac from l the shelf it sat on. I walked into my kitchen and grabbed a new bottle of whiskey and started to drink. I looked at the bottle of pills and popped the top off and put a handful in my mouth and swallowed them. I kept on going until the bottle was empty. I sat down with my phone in my hands looking at the lockscreen. It was a picture of Lizzie and I on our last trip. I was always so happy to be around her. She always made me feel worth it. Like I meant something in this world. As I started to feel the effects of the pills I started to think about her if I was to die. I hated the thought of her being sad and unhappy and heartbroken because of me. I couldn't do that to a heart so pure and full of love. So I unlocked my phone and dialled on the number of the voice I wanted to hear so much.

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