Scarlett's Sister (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was on my way to set to suprise my big sister while she filmed the new Captain America movie. Here's a few things that you need to know about me. I'm Y/N Johansson, my big sister is the Scarlett Johansson. She got me my golden retriever pup when I was in my sophmore year. His name is Ranger. I joined the Military after I graduated from high school. I'm a sniper and I love my job. Whenever I'm on tour Scar watches over Ranger for me.

As I walk through the set I am immediately met by the cast filming a scene. I find amazing the way they can just like flip a switch and turn into a totally different person. I stood beside Kevin as we watched everyone work on the scene.

"Hey kid." He greeted me quietly.

"Hey." I whispered back. "I thought that I would surprise her."

"Well this is definitely going be something." He smiled as he told the camera crew to keep filming and focus on Scarlett's reaction.

Scarlett's pov

We were all in the middle of the meeting scene with the avengers after Secretary Ross had left. As I glanced around the room I saw someone that I recognise. But it surely couldn't be. So I went back to focusing on Robert as he performed his lines. When my eyes caught sight of the figure again, I squealed and jumped up and ran towards them. I didn't care that we were in the middle of a scene. I just wanted to hug my baby sister.

"Y/N/N!!" I squealed as I ran into her arms.

"Hey Scar." She beamed as she kept me in her tight embrace.

"I can't believe it. You're home." I told her with a smile.

"I'm home." She whispered with a smile as I looked her over.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked her as we walked to my trailer after Kevin decided to call it a day.

"I wanted to surprise you." She beamed at me. "I already put my bag in your trailer ready to go home. I've missed Ranger."

"Well, we have a guest staying with us at the moment while her house is getting rewired." I told her nervously as we made our way inside the trailer. As I was getting my things ready, there was a knock on the door.

"I'm ready when you are Scar." Lizzie said as she walked in ready to go home.

"Hey Liz, this is my baby sister Y/N, Y/N this is Elizabeth Olsen." I introduced them both as we left the trailer and walked to my car. Once we were all in, I smirked at Y/N who was sat in the back like a little kid.

"So how is Ranger?" She asked me as she looked out of the window.

"He's amazing. He's missed you a lot though." I told her honestly and watched as she smiled softly.

"So Y/N, what is it that you do?" Liz asked her as we neared our house.

"Oh I'm a sniper in the military." She told her softly.

"Anyway, how long are you home for?" I asked her as we pulled into our street.

"Urm 6 months depending if I don't get called up sooner." She said which kinda made me abit sad thinking that she might not be here for long. Once I parked in the drive, we all got out and made our way inside. As soon as Y/N was inside Ranger ran straight up to her for fusses. "Hey buddy." She said as she dropped her bag to greet him. I watched as he licked her face and she had never looked happier. "I missed you too." She told him in a cute baby voice before she walked upstairs.

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