Drunk (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I was currently at home having a nice night in with Scar as we both watched movies. Y/N was out with her friends while they celebrated one of their birthdays so Scar decided to keep me company.

"So when do you start filming for WandaVision?" She asked as she turned her attention to me.

"In a few months. I can't wait to be honest." I told her honestly. "But it's in Atlanta and I'm gonna miss Y/N." I told her.

"I'm sure you both will be fine." She reassured me. Before I could answer her my phone went off. I looked at the number and noticed that it was an unknown number before answering it cautiously.

"Hello?" I said with furrowed brows.

"Hi is this Miss Olsen?" They said on the line.

"Who is this?" I asked them.

"It's Officer Smith LAPD. I'm calling to inform you that Y/N Y/L/N has been detained." They said as I started to shake.

"What happened? Are they ok?" I asked them.

"They are fine, they were arrested for being drunk and disorderly. You were their emergency contact." They said.

"Can I come and pick them up?" I asked them

"Yes you can, but their bail is $3000." They told me

"That's fine. I'll be right there." I told them before hanging up and getting my purse and keys.

"What's wrong Liz?" Scar asked me

"Y/N has been arrested." I said as I made sure I had everything.

"Ok, I'm coming with." She said as she started to get her things. We both ran out to my car and drove to the police station. We walked up the the main desk before Scar spoke to the receptionist.

"I we're here for Y/N Y/L/N." She told them.

"Are you Miss Olsen?" They asked her as she typed on the computer.

"That's me." I said as she finally looked up.

"Have you got the money for the bail otherwise we won't be able to release them for 24hours." She said.

"Yes I have my card." I said as I went in my purse.

"That's all we need, if you would fill out these forms and then we can finalise the payment." She said as she handed me the forms and a pen. I filled it out as quick as I could and handed it back to her with my card. She typed on the computer for a while before she spoke up again. "Officer Smith will be here in a moment to take you to them." She told us as we both just nodded. It didn't take us long to be walked to the holding cell. We could hear Y/N talking drunkenly.

"You expect me to take a piss while everyone's watching?" They slurred as Scar just laughed.

"Yes we do ma'am." An unknown person replied.

"That's rediculous. What if someone needed one hell of a shit. You know one of those that make you feel so good when you've finally pushed it out. Everyone is just expected to sit in the smell?" They asked as we approached. I smiled at the seriousness of her face as she spoke about it.

"Yes they are." The officer replied.

"Believe me, this is better than them singing Jailhouse Rock." Officer Smith told us with a smirk.

"I'm honestly sure you're a secret perv wanting to get a sneak peak of everyones junk." They said as they crossed their arms. I could tell that the officer was losing their patience. "And I'm sure you have cameras here, trying to see if you can get a jailhouse gang bang and put it on pornhub."

"Thank you officer Patrick but Mx Y/L/N here is free to go." Officer Smith said with a smirk before they could reply. Y/N looked at the officer with a smug look almost identical to Jim Carrey's the grinch to the mayor before she turned to look between Scar and I. I gave her a glare with the head tilt before she looked away.

"Well my fellows, I am finally free of this secret porn society so happy fucking." They said as they walked out of the cell making everyone laugh at her drunken state. I looked to see Scar trying to control her laughing as Y/N sauntered over to us. "My beautiful woman has come to save me from this iron barred hell." They said imitating Chris Hemsworth as they stumbled towards us.

"Let's get you home." I told them sternly as I grabbed their hand.

"Ooh my. Scar this woman is holding my hand. Does she not know I am betroved to another." They said quietly to Scar who just giggled as we walked. When we got to the car I put her in the back before getting in the drivers seat. "You look like my fiance and smell like her. She even has this exact same car." They said in wonder. I couldn't fight back the small smile twitching on my lips. "It's a really one of life's great mysteries." They whispered as they looked out of the window. "So are you taking me home to my Lizzie?" They asked me.

"Yes I am." I told them as I kept my voice stern.

"Thank you kind clone. I miss my beautiful Lizzie." They said quietly. "Do you think I could maybe get your number too and a name would be great." They asked me as Scar just smirked at me.

"This could be fun." She whispered to me.

"Of course, let me just take you home." I told them as I looked at them through the mirror before pulling up in my driveway. "And my name is Wanda." I told them making them gasp.

"One of the characters my Lizzie plays is called Wanda but she has ginger hair so it mustn't be the same." They said as they played with their fingers. Scar and I got out of the car before helping Y/N inside. "We will have to be quiet in case Lizzie is home. I don't want her to break up with me."

"Tell me about this Lizzie?" I asked wanting to her more

"Well there's so much to say." They said as we walked towards our room. "She is the most kind and patient person you can ever meet. My favourite thing about her are her eyes. They're so beautiful. It's like she was sculpted by Aphrodite herself. It is Aphrodite I think, I'm not sure. But she is just the most beautiful woman you could ever meet and I'm lucky that she loves someone like me." They said as I helped them start to change. "Hey what are you doing?" They asked me as they slapped my hands away.

"I'm helping you change." I told them in a duh tone.

"But my woman could walk in at any given moment and see you with your hands all over me." They said as they backed away from me.

"It's ok she won't." I told them.

"How do you know that?" They asked me bewildered.

"Because my friend downstairs is a spy and she has helped me make sure that she is delayed." I told them.

"So you wanted to have me for yourself?" They asked with wide eyes as I just nodded trying not too laugh now. "You are a very bad woman." They gasped.

"I know. I know but I can't help but want what I want." I told them with a shrug. They soon started to get tired so she let me help her change 

"When Lizzie comes home and sees you here, I'm not gonna hold her back as she uses her wiggly woos on you." They said with a yawn. Once I had changed them I covered them up and placed a bucket at the side of the bed before going to see Scar.

"Ok, that was the best thing I had ever seen." She smirked as she handed me some painkillers and water.

"I know but their gonna have one killer hangover tomorrow." I smirked before we both bid our goodnights as I went to our room and placed the pills and water on the bedside before getting changed and climbing in behind Y/N and holding them close. "I love you so much Y/N." I whispered as I kissed their neck before slowly falling asleep myself.

A nice little one if you guys need a laugh
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
Let me know what you think.

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