I Broke My Promise (E.O)

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The final one shot in this book since theres a 200 chapter limit. But don't worry I am doing another one shot book with all of Lizzie's characters so keep your eyes out for it peeps and I haven't forgotten about the requests I have yet to finish which will also be in the new one shot book

Reader GiP

Y/N pov

Everything seemed so perfect as I had my beautiful wife in my arms as we lay in the grass looking up at the sky. One of our favourite things to do together. I had my hand resting on Lizzie's stomach as she cuddled closer into me pressing a kiss to my jaw.

"I'm going to miss you when you leave." She spoke sadly as she looked up at me.

"I'm going to miss you too. So much." I told her honestly. "But it is my job and it is what I have always wanted to do."

"I know. I just wish that sometimes you didn't have so many risks though." She whispered. I lay her back on the grass as I hovered above her smiling softly as she reached up to caress my cheek.

"I know my love. But I will always find my way back to you." I told her softly as she looked between my eyes.

"Promise me you will come home." She whispered. I sighed knowing that nothing in life is certain.

"I promise to fight my hardest to make it home to you my love." I told her softly. I watched as she smiled satisified with my answer before she pulled me in for a searing kiss pulling me closer to her as our bodies pressed together.

"I love you Y/N." She whispered when we pulled apart.

"I love you more." I told her before kissing her again 

Over the next few weeks we had together as she took some time off work so we could spend as much time together as possible. We always found ourselves in between the sheets every night like she is trying to make up for the time she is going to miss out on. I still had a couple of months left on leave before I was due to be deployed. I noticed that Lizzie was acting differently. More distant than usual but I just brushed it off as she was nervous and upset that I was leaving soon and our time together was coming to an end soon. When my best friend John came around with his wife for dinner it was nice. John joined me in the yard as Lizzie and his wife were in the living room laughing as we both smiled hearing how happy they both are.

"What's going on in that head of yours kid?" He asked me as we both drank our beers.

"I think Lizzie is pregnant." I told him bluntly as he widened his eyes in shock.

"I wasn't expexting that." He said as he looked up at the stars. "Has she told you?"

"No, but she has been acting really weird lately." I told him.

"It could just be nerves about you leaving her again kid. Amelia gets the same way." He reassured me as I just nodded. We both enjoyed each other's company before they left.

"Hey my love." I whispered softly as I wrapped my arms around Lizzie's waist from behind. She started to melt into my touch as I kissed her neck before she removed herself from my arms making me frown.

"I have got to do these dishes Y/N." She spoke bluntly as she moved over to the sink.

"What is going on Lizzie?" I asked her sternly as I turned her to face me. She avoided my gaze as she fiddled with the fabric of my shirt. "Talk to me." I said softly  as I tilted her head up to look into her eyes which were filling up with water.

"I uh." She whispered as a few tears started to slip out as I cupped her cheeks as I wiped them away.

"What is it my love?" I asked her softly. She looked at me nervously before she took a deep breath.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now