Just a Dead Leg (W.M)

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Requested by wanda_maximilf

Smut Warning

Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I woke to an empty bed to find that the girl I brought home with me last night left sometime through the night. I groaned rolling over and walking to my bathroom to do my morning routine when my door abruptly opened to reveal a mission ready witch.

"Y/N we have been calling for you all morning." Wanda said clearly pissed off.

"Ok then. What's up?" I asked as I walked to my closet as she followed me. I was still butt naked not caring that she was in here. I'm proud of my body and I work hard for it.

"We have a mission right now so suit up and I will brief you on the jet. For gods sakes get some clothes on will you." She said as she got a full view of my front as I turned to face her. I smirked when I noticed her gaze lower as a light blush tinted her cheeks.

"Well you don't have to look you know." I teased her making her scoff and turn around. 

"Just hurry up and meet me on the jet. I'm going to bleach my eyes." She shouted as she walked out of my room. I smirked to myself that I clearly had an effect on her even though she's with that Red Noo Noo. (If you've ever watched Teletubbies you'll know ;) ) I bet that he can't even get her going. What am I doing? Why am I thinking like this about her. She has never really liked me. She has just tolerated me since I am Nat's younger sister. Out of both Yelena and I, I was the one who decided to stay and help the Avengers. I had no idea where I wanted to  go or what I wanted to do. I had no place in the world and Nat helped me get that by helping me adjust to the avengers. 

Once I made my way to the jet, I smiled innocently at Wanda who just rolled her eyes at me.

"You finally know what clothes are." She teased me making me chuckle.

"You need to learn to be comfortable in your own skin darling." I whispered seductively as I made my way to the cockpit. Wanda cleared her throat before following me. "So where are we headed?" 

"The co ordinates are already in, you just need to fly us there in one piece preferably." She said as she buckled up. 

"I've been flying since I was kid. It's as easy as walking for me." I told her as I started the engines. "So what's the plan when we get there?"

"Well it's only a small base. The perimeter is guarded with high concrete walls topped with barbed wire. There is a tight security system in place and that's where you'll come in. You will disarm it before we both make our way through the agents and get to the control room and steal the plans." She said as she looked over the folder. "We will need to land at the south west of the facility." She told me as she pointed out where on the map. 

"That sound's easy enough." I said as I put the jet on autopilot. "You should get some rest before we arrive. We will be landing in about for hours time." I told her as I stood up and stretched before walking over to my weapons to make sure that I had everything. I had my hacking device which I had made when I was a kid. Alexei used to take me with him whenever he had to do something for Dreykov to help with the tech side of things. Melina taught me since I was the youngest and the smallest at the time out of the three of us, I would be able to hide easily and slip into the smallest of places. 

"So how was the tramp last night? What was her name?" Wanda asked as she approached me.

"Oh you mean Cindy, no wait Stacey. No it was Lizzie. Yeah let's go with that." I said as I kept my focus on my task at hand.

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