You Already Are Badass (W.M)

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Y/N pov

I was sat in my room lying down while listening to my record player. I was soon broken out of my bubble when my door opened and my girlfriend jumped on me and just gave me a random hug.
"Hey baby" I chuckled as I kissed her head.
"Hi" she said quietly as she tightened her grip on me.
"Are you OK?" I asked her as I rubbed her back up and down.
"Yeah I just wanted to hug you" she said as she nuzzled her head in my neck. We were enjoying our little bubble until Jarvis spoke up.
"Y/N you are needed in Furys office." Jarvis said as I groaned.
"You're gonna have to let me go baby" I told her as she just shook her head.
"Come on now baby" I laughed as she got up with a huff.
"Ok well I'm going to start on dinner." She said as she held my hand and lead me downstairs. Before we parted ways she pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.
"I'll see you in abit my love" she said with a smile. I made my way to Furys office and saw that Nat and Steve were already there.
"Nice of you to join us Y/L/N" fury said as he handed us a file. "This is just a small mission, get in and get the files then get out. There will be a few Hydra agents scattered around the base."
"Ok, Y/N you will head inside and get the files while Nat and I handle the agents. As soon as you have the files you make a run towards the exit and meet us at the jet." Steve said as he closed the file. "Suit up we leave in 10"

I made my way to my room to get in my suit. As I was just finishing putting it on and getting my guns in there holsters and my swords on my back Wanda walked into my room.
"Are you going on a mission?" She asked with a sad look on her face.
"Yeah baby. I'm going with Nat and Steve, it's only a small one so we should be back in no time." I told her as I pulled her in for a kiss.
"Ok but please be careful baby" she said as we both walked towards the hangar. As we reached the quinjet I gave her one last kiss before meeting Nat and Steve on the jet.
"So are you ready?" Nat asked as she nudged my shoulder.
"Born ready" I told her with a smirk. We were all sat in silence as we flew to the base.
"Were 10 minutes out guys. Just keep your eyes open at all times and keep your hands on the trigger." Steve said as he landed the jet.
As soon as the jet was on the ground Steve handed me the flash drive for the files. We made our way towards the entrance of the base we were met by over a dozen hydra agents. The three of us sprung into action fighting them off. I had my guns drawn shooting at the agents insight as I tan towards the base. As soon as I made it inside, the base seemed empty.
"Something seems off about this guys." I said through comms as I made my way through to the main labs.
"Just get the files and get out as quick as you can" Nat answered as she fought off more agents.

I made my way over to the main computer and started to download the files. As soon as it hit 50% download agents started to storm the lab. So I started to shoot and dodge bullets as it finished the download. I soon ran our of bullets and took my swords out and started to swing at the agents hurting them as much as I can. With the adrenaline running through me I didn't really feel the pain of being shot in the stomach. As soon as I got the last agent down I quickly grabbed the flash drive and started to run out towards Nat and Steve. As I was sprinting through the halls the A.I spoke up. "Self destruct sequence initiated in 30 seconds."

"Oh shit. Guys there's a slight problem." I said through comms as I was running through the halls.
"What is it Y/N?" Steve said with a hint of worry in his voice.
"The base is gonna blow any second now." I told them as I was searching for a quicker way out.
"How far away are you?" Nat said slightly out of breath.
"I'm not sure but there's a window at the bottom of this hall and I'm gonna jump through it" I told them as I made a run for the window. As soon as I jumped through the window the base blew up. When I hit the ground the wind was knocked out of me and I started to feel the pain from my stomach.
"Oh fuck" I said as I tried to get up.
"Where are you?" Nat said with worry in her voice.
"I'm just around the west side of the building." I said through gritted teeth as I stood up. I looked down and saw that the blood was just gushing out. I started to make my way around to Nat and Steve. As soon as they both saw me relief washed over there faces. I slowly started to stumble as I got closer to them. As soon as I made it to them I collapsed into Steve's arms.
"Oh shit. We need to get her back now" Nat said as Steve picked me up bridal style and ran to the jet. As soon as we got on the jet Steve lay me down on a gurny as Nat started the jet.
"Jarvis tell Tony and Bruce to get the med Bay ready. Y/Ns been shot and she's loosing alot of blood." Nat said as she let Steve take over flying us home.
"Hey Y/N stay awake for me yeah." She said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm tired" I said as my eyes started to close. I soon felt Nats hand connect with the side of my face trying to keep me awake.
"You stay awake you hear me. Keep your eyes open." She said as she put pressure on my stomach. "Steve how long until we're there?"
"About 10mins" he shouted from the pilot seat. "Bruce and Tony are at the hangar ready."
As soon as the jet landed I was rushed straight through to the med bay to get seen to.
"Stay awake for us Y/N" I heard Tony say as they were wheeling me through. I held up the flash drive and handed it to Nat before being wheeled away.
"Oh my god Y/N" I heard Wanda say as soon as she saw us.
"We need you to wait outside Wanda" I heard Tony say before I blacked out.

I soon woke up to feel a hand in mine, I looked over and saw Wanda sat in a chair next to my bed.
"Hey baby" I croaked out which made Wandas head shoot up to face me.
"Oh my god you're awake." She said as she cupped my cheeks and gave me a soft but passionate kiss.
"You scared me. Don't ever do that again." She said with tears in her eyes.
"I'm still her baby." I assured her. "I bet I'll look badass with another scar" I told her with a smirk.
"You already are badass" she said with a laugh before she pulled me in for another kiss.
"I love you baby" I told her as we pulled away.
"I love you more" she said with a smile.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now