Emo Wanda (E.O)

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Requested by DestinySasser

Smut warning
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I was on my way home from having a few drinks with my friends. I just couldn't wait to see my girlfriend. I was going over to her place after hanging out. I didn't drink a lot because I didn't want to ruin our night together.

"I'm here love." I shouted through the house letting her know that I was here.

"Hello baby." She said in her sokovian accent. When I finally saw her, she was wearing her emo Wanda costume from age of ultron. Honestly that is my favourite Wanda era. With the high ponytail, leather jacket, short black dress with knee high socks and boots. Just hearing her talk in her accent was making me hard. "How are you?" She asked as she played with the buttons on my shirt.

"I uh I." I stuttered. I was unable to form a sentence thanks to this goddess in front of me who done I crooked smile. I love that smile so much.

"What, can't talk." She said as she started to palm me through my pants. She smirked because she knew she had me where she wanted me. But I'm never the submissive type. So I quickly broke out of my trance and removed her hand from gripping her wrist lightly.

"Did you think that you would be in control sweetheart?" I asked her as I pushed her against the wall.

"Yes." She said confidently.

"Well you are a bad girl aren't you." I teased her as I nibbled on her ear.

"Yes I am." She said thickly. "Are you going to teach me a lesson."

"Oh I am." I said as I kissed her roughly. The kiss was rough and we were both hungry for eachother. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she denied. I squeezed her ass roughly over her dress making her moan allowing me access. I rubbed up her thighs under her dress. Once I had gotten to where her waistband should be I found nothing. "You wanted this didn't you?"  I said as I cupped her bare core. She bucked her hips to try and gain some friction. "Answer me?"

"Yes." She breathed out. I ran my fingers through her folds as her breathing picked up. I applied pressure to her clit with my thumb as I teased her entrance with my finger. She arched her back off the wall as I thrusted two fingers in her. "Fuck." She breathed as I continued to please her. "I'm gonna cum." She moaned as I added a third finger. It didn't take her much longer to fall over the edge. I helped her ride out her high before I removed my fingers and sucked them clean as she watched. I watched as she unbuckled my belt and my pants pulling them down with my boxers.

"What do you want?" I asked her as I sucked on her soft spot making her moan loudly.

"I want you to fuck me, right here and right now." She said with a smirk I picked her up by her thighs with her back still on the wall. She hiked her dress up as I lined myself with her dripping core.

"You're still on the pill right?" I asked her since we weren't yet serious yet.

"Yes i am so please just fuck me already." She said as I slammed my self into her without warning. She screamed out in pleasure as I bottomed out. I started to thrust slowly teasing her. "Faster please." She breathed as I increased my pace going deeper. I hit her soft spot repeatedly making her moans louder and higher in pitch. I started to go harder as we were both reaching our climax. "I'm gonna cum." She screamed as I went faster. I sucked on her neck leaving a few hickeys which i know she will hate me for, well her make up team will.

"Me too." I grunted as I went faster chasing my high. She came all over my cock while I filled her up. I slowed down my thrusts helping us both ride out our highs. Once I had pulled out she dragged me to her room. Well tonight is going to be fun.

The next morning I woke up to Lizzie still asleep with her head on my chest. I smiled down at her as I slowly got up and got my boxers and bra back on before heading downstairs to do some breakfast. I know that our relationship is mostly sex but she deserves to know that she is worth more than that.

Lizzie's pov

I woke up to an empty bed, I was upset to think that she just had sex with me and just left before I woke. Like she usually does when she has work. Sometimes I just wish that I could spend the morning after with her and have breakfast.

I got up and made my way downstairs when I could smell food cooking. I wondered who it would be since my mum is currently in New York visiting my sisters. Once I got to the kitchen, I was surprised by what I saw. I saw Y/N cooking in her underwear.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked her shocked.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to go?" She asked me embarrassed.

"No its just that you're usually gone for work before I wake up so I just assumed you were at work." I said nervously.

"No I've got the day off, and I'm sorry if I've made you feel like your just about sex for me. Which isn't true. I want to do everything with you, experience a proper relationship with you. I want everything with you and I'm sorry that my job sometimes prevents me from doing that." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I love you Lizzie." She said for the first time which made me smile widely

"I love you too baby." I said, we spent the rest of the day together, cuddling and watching movies. We ate every meal together before she went home. I was really happy that I was more than just a good fuck to her. Because I was falling for her more everyday we spend together.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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