Mothers Day (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning
Dom Lizzie GiP x Sub reader

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning with my plan for a mother's day present for Lizzie. I know that she isn't a mum yet but we've been married for 2 years now and we've been ready to start our family that we've wanted together.

I started to pepper kisses all over her face as I watched a smile form on her lips which I moved my kisses to her lips.

"Happy mothers mummy." I whispered against her lips making her groan.

"Im not even a mum yet Y/N." She said with a smile.

"Well I'm sure that could change." I said as I straddled her hips.

"In what way?" She asked me as I started to roll my hips on her growing bulge.

"Well, we could always try." I told her as I continued my movements as she gripped my hips.

"Aren't you on birth control?" She asked softly.

"Not anymore. It was a surprise for you. I want you to take control of me." I told her breathlessly which I saw her eyes grow darker with lust. She halted my movements and flipped us over making me gasp

"Well then princess, these need to go." She said as she played with the hem of my shirt.

"Well do something about it then." I challenged her making her smirk as she gripped the collar of my shirt with both hands and tore the shirt revealing my breasts.

"You're so beautiful baby." She whispered as she hovered over me pushing the shirt over my shoulders. "And I'm going to remind you who you belong to." She said before smashing her lips onto mine roughly. She pinched my nipple making me gasp giving her the opportunity to slip her tongue in. I didn't both to fight for dominance as I let her tongue explore my mouth. I moaned into the kiss as I felt her hardened cock press against my clothed core. She moved her kisses down my jaw to my neck finding my sweet spot making me moan loudly. I felt as her hand ran down my stomach to the waistband of my underwear which she pulled off in one swift motion as she kissed down my chest marking every part she could. She took one of my nipples in her mouth sucking harshly whilst kneading the other. She gave my other breast the same attention before moving her kisses down my stomach. She kissed my thighs painfully slow purposefully missing where I needed her most. I gasped when she licked through my folds gathering my juices. "You taste sweet baby." She moaned sending vibrations through my core before she sucked on my clit making me arch my back. I moved my hand into her hair pushing her head closer. She pulled away and placed my hands above my head. "These stay here. You don't touch me or I won't let you cum." She said against my lips while I just nodded not trusting my voice. "I need word baby girl." She said sternly.

"Yes mummy." I breathed out before she slammed her lips back on mine in a rough sloppy kiss. She started to take her own clothes off until we were both naked gasping at the skin contact.

"What do you want baby girl." She asked softly before she continued.

"I want you to fuck me." I told her confidently. She kissed me passionately.

"On all fours ass in the air now." She told me as she removed herself from me which I did as she told me.

I felt her hands rub up and down my spine while the other held my hip. I moaned as she inserted herself into my already soaked core making us both moan at the sensation. She started to thrust in teasingly slow.

"Faster mummy please." I begged her which she complied going faster and harder hitting the right spot making me lose it. My knuckles turned white gripping the bed sheets. "I'm gonna cum." I moaned out which made her slow her movements. She wrapped her arm around my chest pulling me up so my back was flush against her chest. I felt her hardened nipples pressing into back.

"You're not gonna cun until you beg for it." She said as she slowly thrusts as she grazed my neck with her teeth. "Do you understand?"

"Y...yes mummy." I moaned out as she continued to thrust slowly increasing her pace.

"Good girl." She said as her thrusts became faster and harder. She gripped my neck enough to make my eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Please can I cum. I need to cum please mummy." I begged her as she continued to hit my g spot continuously making it hard to hold it in.

"Cum with me baby girl." She moaned out. It didn't take much for us both to cum, I felt as our juices mixed together as she filled me up. She slowly pulled as she pressed gentle kisses along my shoulder. "I love you so much baby."

"I love you so much more." I told her before I pulled her in for a passionate kiss.

"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up and we can relax for the rest of the day." She said softly as she carried me into the bathroom so we could both get ready to spend the rest of the day together

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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