Walk Me Home (E.O)

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Requested by lizzieissosexy

Y/N pov

I was on my way to the club to meet everyone. We decided to have a night out after a long week of filming. Once I made it inside I found them all in the VIP booth of the club.

"Hey, Y/N/Ns finally graced us with her presence." Mackie shouted with a smirk.

"Just in time for shots my man." Chris E said as he brought a tray full of shots. "Enough for two each." Everyone cheered before downing them wanting to start the night. Everyone was sat engaging in their own conversations. My eyes found her sat with Scar and Brie. She wore a gorgeous black dress with her hair down with her bangs out.

"Hey Y/N, you ok there?" Robert asked  me with a smirk.

"Oh yeah. I'm great." I said as I took a sip of my beer.

"Oh my god. I love this song." I heard Lizzie say as she started to drag the girls to the dancefloor. I watched as she danced like no-one was watching her. I was I awe of the way she moved her hips and the way she moved to the beat of the song.

"You should tell her how you feel kid."  Robert told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked as i took another shot that Evans brought.

"You can tell by the way you look at her. You like her." He said softly.

"She would never see me the same way. I'm not worth it." I shrugged as I walked away to the bar to get another drink. When I walked back I noticed that Brie and tessa were back at the booth drinking while Lizzie and Scar were still on the dancefloor. I was stood beside Robert and Evans just talking about everything.

"We should do another poker night." Evans said randomly

"Yeah we should." I agreed remembering the last one.

"Oh no not with you. You cleared us all out last time." Robert said as he pointed his finger at me.

"You're just jealous because you don't know how to play your cards dude." I teased him making Evans laugh.

"What are you laughing at. She took your money too." He scolded Evans

"Yeah but it's all fun." Evans pointed out as I agreed. When the conversation fizzled out we noticed that Scar and lizzie was still on the dancefloor and there was some dudes dancing with them. I watched the guy dancing with lizzie trying to get his hand under her dress and watched as  she  pushed it away. I watched as he tried numerous times before I finished my beer and stormed over.

"Hey, she doesn't want you to touch her  like that." I shouted as I approached them.

"Really dude, then why is she dancing like a slut against me." He smirked as he turned to face me and Scar pulled Lizzie next to her.

"No She wasn't man. Youre just a perverted douche." I said as I stepped closer, my blood boiling from before.

"She's just a slut. She's clearly asking for it." He sneered. I lunged forward and tackled him to the ground and started to punch him in the face. I could barely hear Lizzie's voice Begging me to stop but I just couldn't. She usually could calm me down but this guy has just infuriated me. I felt her hand on my shoulder making me pause my movements and glance up at her before he tackled me to the ground and started to punch me. He managed to get a few hits in before I brought my knee up to his crotch making him keel over before I stood up and kneed him in the jaw knocking him back. I stopped and looked at everyone's faces as they were either shocked or scared. I walked out before I could see the disappointment on her face. I was walking down the street away from the club as I heard her call my name.

"Y/N, would you please stop!!" Lizzie shouted as she followed me

"Go back to the others Elizabeth." I shouted back as I carried on walking.

"Come on, don't make me run in these heels." She shouted. I stopped walking and saw that she wore a stoic expression.

"What is it?" I asked her as she caught up to me.

"That was stupid Y/N. You could've got yourself in serious trouble." She shouted at me.

"I don't care Elizabeth. He was touching you inappropriately even after you kept denying him. He deserved more than he got." I told her as I stepped closer to her.

"You have no idea the damage that could happen to your career Y/N. Not just your career, you could go to prison and all for what. NOTHING." She shouted.

"It wasn't for nothing. And I will do it again." I told her.

"You shouldn't have done it in the first place." She said slowly lowering her voice.

"I wouldn't have done it if he didn't try to do that to you." I told her. I stood there waiting for her reply but when she just looked at me in a way I had never seen before and kept silent I started to walk away. As I got a few paces away from her, I heard the clicking of her heels. I stopped and turned around to be met by Lizzie pulling me in for a bruising kiss. Her hands gripped my neck as I held her hips pulling her closer to me. She pulled away and rested her forehead on mine.

"What was that for?" I breathed out.

"I've wanted to do that for awhile. And I never thought that you would feel the same." She said softly.

"I have always liked you Lizzie. Since the first time you smiled at me. Like really smiled. You had this sparkle I your eyes and the way they crinkled with your nose. But I never thought you would ever see me any other way than the dork that is practically one of the guys." I told her making her laugh.

"I admire that about you. You don't care about how everyone sees you unless you are comfortable in the group you're in." She told me softly. I gave her another soft kiss. "Walk me home?" She asked me sweetly and I just nodded and offered my arm to her. We walked back to her place in a comfortable silence. The noise of the nightlife slowly fading into the distance.


Hi guys. Sorry its been a while since I've posted a one.shot. kind of had a bit of writers block.
But I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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