Better (E.O)

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Y/N pov

It's been a few months since Lizzie and I broke up. We broke up on mutual terms because of the back lash she was getting for our relationship. She kept getting more panic attacks and her anxiety was higher than anything. I just could let her go through all of that even if we love each other. I hated seeing her in pain because of us. So I decided to end things with her before she went to film in Atlanta. I was soon broken out of my drinking state when my door burst open to reveal Scarlett.

"Oh hi come on in." I said sarcastically as I took another sip of my whiskey.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked me as she sat down next to me.

"Amazing why do you ask?" I replied as I finished my drink and went to pour myself another one and realised that the bottle was empty. I groaned as I got up to get another bottle.

"Tell me the truth. I'm worried about you Y/N." She said as she followed me into the kitchen and taking the bottle off me.

"Well then what do you think?" I spat back knowing exactly what she is getting at.

"I know you're not doing well since you both broke up. I know that you started drinking again after being sober for 3 years." She said sympathetically.

"Well I did that for lizzie. She gave me a reason to be sober but now I don't have one." I said as I got a beer out of the fridge and drank it while keeping eye contact with her.

"Well you need to stop. You're killing yourself slowly." She said sternly.

"Well then let me get back to it. I already know she's seeing someone so just let me get back to what I was doing please." I said with hurt in my voice.

"How did you know." She asked as she stepped closer to me.

"I don't live under a rock. I saw the articles of her and Robbie out and the pictures of them both." I said as I stepped back away.

"I'm sorry Y/N. I truly am." She said with a sad look in her eyes.

"It's OK. Is she happy?" I asked her not really wanting to her an answer.

"Yeah she is. I haven't seen her this happy since she was with you." She said softly.

"She was only happy at the beginning and then the paps had to go and ruin us. She was it for me Scar. She was my everything and I broke her. Being in a relationship with a freak ruined her." I said with tears in my eyes.

"You're not a freak. You never were." She said as she engulfed me in a hug. Which I just broke down. I cried for a while and I didn't realise that I had fell asleep in her. When I woke up to an empty apartment. There wasn't any empty bottles so she must have cleaned up a bit before she left. I looked at the time and saw that it was 8pm. I got up and went straight into the kitchen for a drink. When I looked in my cupboards and fridge I had noticed that she must've thrown away every bit of alcohol away. I groaned and got myself ready to go out. I needed a drink. Its the only thing that numbs the pain. I went to the bar that I had first met her and as soon as I walked in I spotted her with Scar and the other girls over in a booth. We made eye contact briefly before I broke it and headed straight to the bar. I ordered myself a whiskey as the owner started to talk to me.

"Hey how you doing Y/N?" He said as we both shared a shot of vodka.

"I've been better." I said as I motioned for a refill.

"Well it's open mic night tonight if you want to let lose. I know you always love open mic nights." He said as he poured me another drink.

"Thanks I might do something later on. I just really need a drink." I told him as I downed another.

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