Fly part 2 (E.O)

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Part 2 requested by MonkeyOlsen2
Smut warning requested by you horny feckers 😏
Lizzie's pov

I've been wanting another baby ever since that morning with Y/N and Lily. Watching the two of them together is amazing. Y/N is amazing. She works long hours but still makes sure that lily and I are perfect. She cooks for us both everyday, she leaves me in bed on our days off. Shes just so perfect and I'm lucky to call her mine. So tonight after Lily has gone to bed I am going to ask her about having another baby and see if we're both on the same page.

"Hey baby, I'm going to take Lily up to bed and read her a bed time story." I told her as I picked up our tired child. I carried her to her room and lay her down in bed and tucked her in. Once she was asleep I made my way quietly downstairs to see Y/N walk back into the living room with a cup of tea for and coffee for herself. We both sat on the sofa and I snuggled into her asnwe watch whatever was playing on TV.

"Y/N, can I ask you something?" I asked her softly.

"Of course you can sweetheart." She said with a smile.

"Would you like another baby?" I asked her quietly. With the silence from her I was getting slightly unsettled. "I understand if you don't want another especially since Lily was unexpected." I rambled out as I detached myself from her.

"Hey, I never said no love. I was just thinking about it, our future with more kids running around. I would love to have another baby with you." She said as she cupped my cheeks making me smile at her words.

"Thank god. You scared me for a moment there." I told her as i playfully slapped her shoulder while she laughed at me.

"I love you sweetheart." She said as she smiled her fuzzy smile.

"I love you too. So much." I said as I gave her a gentle passionate kiss. "Ok well I'll call the doctors tomorrow to get off my birth control." I told her while she smiled at me. I cuddled into her and we decided to put on a movie for us both to watch.

It's been a week since our talk and I've managed to get my mum to watch Lily for the night. Y/N is at work and I managed to get a Wanda civil war costume since I couldn't steal the one from the movie set. I know she loves me in that one with the head tilt. So I had her favourite meal cooked for her. A classic British chicken roast. I know she is going to love it. I was just waiting for her to come home. It didn't take long for me to hear keys jingle in the lock.

"Wow, it smells good in here sweetheart." She said with a smile as she took off her coat.

"Well its your favourite baby." I told her as I took her hands and lead her to the dining table. When she saw what was on the table her smile widened.

"Thank you my love." She said as she pecked my lips before she pulled out the chair for me and pushed me in before sitting down herself. Even when I try to spoil her she still somehow manages to treat me like a queen. "So whats the occasion my love?"

"Well I have a couple of presents. The first one is this." I told her as I passed over a velvet box. She opened it and had a look of confusion on her face. "It's my IUD." I told her hoping to clear it up for her.

"A bomb?" She said making me laugh at her.

"No, it's my birth control. The baby factory is officially open for business." I told her with a smile.

"Really?" She asked me with a wide smile while I nodded.

"Well, you have got to eat up first, you've got a long night ahead of you." I told her as I started to dig in.

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