I'm At The End Of My Journey (W.M)

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Y/N pov

I woke up this morning to find my girlfriend no longer in our bed. I walked downstairs to the kitchen to the smell of pancakes wafting through the compound. I soon found my girlfriend Wanda and my Little brother Peter talking.

"Hey beautiful." I said as I wrapped my hands around wandas waist as she leant into the touch.

"Hi baby. Did you sleep OK?" She asked me softly.

"It was ok, it would've been better if I woke up to your beautiful face." I told her as I kissed her cheek.

"Well I wanted to make you breakfast." She told me as she handed me a plate along with Peter. We all sat down at the table to eat our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

"Hey kids." Steve said as he walked past us.

"Were all not kids you know Steven." I told him as I rolled my eyes. "There's only one kid here." I said as I ruffled Peters hair

"Hey, I've got to fix my hair again thank you very much." He scowled making us all laugh.

"Well Y/N, Peter you guys have a mission with Nat and I today. We leave just after lunch." He said as he grabbed a bottle of water. "Dont worry its only a small Hydra base. It's an abandoned warehouse so it shouldn't be too hard. We'll have a briefing on the jet." He told us as he walked away. I looked over at Wanda and noticed that she had a worried look on her face.

"It's going to be OK love." I told her as I squeezed her thigh.

"How do you know that. You don't have powers like the rest of us." She said with a frown making me scoff.

"Listen, I may not have powers, but neither do Nat or Clint. I trained in the red room with Nat before I escaped and managed to come home with the help of Nat and fury. I managed to find my family, my little brother who I hadn't seen since he was a baby. I was kidnapped and sold to the red room so I know how to hold my own." I told her angry.

"I know you can, I didn't mean it to come out like that. Its just that I worry about you alot." She said as her eyes started to get glossy. I pulled her in for a reassuring hug. "I can't lose you. I just can't." She breathed out into my neck.

"It's OK, everything will be fine Wanda." I told her as I kissed her head. I spent the rest of my morning with Wanda before we had to head to the jet.

"Ok, well it's only a small base, so shouldn't be many hydra agents. So Y/N and Peter you guys take to South while Nat and I will take the north. Keep alert and stay on coms. Also watch each others six." He told us before we reached our destination.

The one thing we didn't count on was the winter soldier being here waiting for us.

"I thought you said there wouldn't be many agents Steven." I said through coms as I fought my way through the agents alongside Peter.

"There isn't supposed to be this many." He said grunting.

"Maybe we should call for back up?" Nat suggested.

"We will be fine guys. Just keep fighting. We're this close to finishing hydra." He said as I rolled my eyes at him. Peter and I had managed to clear our side until someone came out of the shadows. I watched as he ran at Peter  throwing him through a wall. I ran up to him and started to fight him. He wrapped his hand around my neck tightly as I struggled to fight him. He pushed me back until I felt the wall on my back. I also felt a agonising pain in my upper back as I was impaled on a metal rod sticking out from the concrete. I watched as he disappeared out of the room and my eyes saw Peter slowly getting up from where he lay. 

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