Come Home (E.O)

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Y/N pov

Lately Lizzie and I have done nothing but argue about the smallest things. We have been together for 14 years, married for 10. We have an 13 year old daughter, Lila who is currently staying at her grandma's. I had only just walked through the door to an angry Lizzie stood before me.

"You told me you were going to be finished at 6. It is now 10.30pm Y/N." She said angrily.

"Can we not do this right now Lizzie. I am tired and had a long day at work." I said as I walked to our shared bedroom and removed my glock making sure that the safety is on before putting it in my bedside safe.

"No, we are doing this now Y/N. You tell me that you will finish early. We will have a date night. You don't even tell me that you are going to be late." She shouted as she stood in front of me.

"I'm sorry but this is my job Elizabeth. It's like you with your late night shoots that run over for hours on end. And you even have a trailer to have a nap if you need one." I told her sternly as I stood up from the bed. "So don't you dare talk to me like that."

"You are just a detective Y/N. Nothing more." She shouted as my heart broke at those words she spoke. I watched her face softened at what she had said realising it has clearly affected me. I got my glock and my boots and jacket back on before I started towards the closet to get my duffel and started to pack some clothes. "I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean to say that." She spoke softly as I shook my head.

"No. You did mean that. Just because I am not a big name celebrity doesn't mean that my job is any less than yours." I said as I zipped up my bag before putting over my shoulder and walking out of our room.

"Where are you going to go? You can't just run from this Y/N. We are married and have a daughter together." She said as she followed me. "Well it's not like you see her very often any way."

"You know what Elizabeth. You have changed from the woman I fell in love with. You used to be so selfless, kind and you didn't care that I was just an officer back then. I have worked hard to get where I am on the force. I ACTUALLY DO SOME GOOD FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE BESIDES HAVING YOU AND LILA." I spoke as I raised my voice at the end. "Well I did have you. I guess some things just change." I said as I saw the tears fall down her face. "I think we need a separation." I told her sadly as she shook her head. I kissed her forehead before walking out of the door.

Lizzie's pov

It has been a few months since Y/N and I have spoken to each other. They have been busy with work but I hear them on the phone every night to Lila. I hear her laughing every night and it makes me smile that they still talk everyday. I am in between projects right now so it is me and Lila and truth be told. I really miss Y/N but I know this is for the best. Lila was out with her friends tonight so I was on my own and I glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 30 minutes past her curfew. I tried to call her but it kept going to voicemail. I tried a few times before I checked the location. I noticed that it was only a few blocks out so I grabbed my coat and shoes before I got into my car before driving to the location. I got out of my car and found her phone on the ground cracked. My heart was beating rapidly as I quickly ran to my car and sped towards the police station. When I arrived there I went straight up to the desk officer.

"Can I please speak with Detective Y/L/N." I asked them urgently.

"They are currently busy right now so please take a seat." They spoke in a monotone.

"I need to speak with them. I am their wife." I told them frantically.

"I am sorry ma'am but they are currently working on a case right now." They spoke. I looked up behind them and saw Y/N talking with their partner before I stormed through the doors towards them. "I'm sorry ma'am but you are not permitted to be back here." The officer shouted at me as I ignored them as I caught sight of Y/N looking at me. They started to walk towards me with a stern expression on their face which instantly softened when they noticed my distress.

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