Your First Girl Crush (E.O)

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Requested by @DC_Heros1

Lizzies pov

I was going trick or treating this year with Scar and Rose. Rose was dressed up as a mini black widow because she said she wanted to be just like her mummy. As we turned onto a new street rose tugged on Scarlett's arm. I watched as Rose ran off to a little boy around her age. He was dressed up as Captain America.

"Who's that?" I asked Scar as we followed Rose.

"Oh that's Jack, he's her best friend from school. He lives with his older sister." She said calmly.

"How old is she?" I asked intrigued as I watched the interaction between the two children and a stunning woman. She was wearing black worn out jeans and a white t-shirt with a dark brown leather jacket.

"She's 25. Their mum died while giving birth and his dad, well he isn't much of one since he left them when he found out she was pregnant." She told me. I was shocked that someone can be like that. It should be an honour to have a child. I've always wanted kids but Robbie didn't so we broke up because we were on different paths.

"Wow that's amazing. She's raising him on her own as well." I asked her.

"Yeah she is. She graduated from college a couple of years ago. Now she's a music teacher so she can make sure she's always there for him." She told me. I was just in awe of this woman. At such a young age she was raising her brother. "You like her don't you?"

"I mean yes she is hot. I mean gorgeous. Shit, I should just stop talking." I said as I face palmed myself while Scar just laughed at my gay panic. "It's not funny Scar."

"Oh it is, I think you have your first girl crush." She said as she giggled. "Come on, I'll introduce you both." She said as she dragged me over to them.

"Oh hey Scar." Y/N said as she pulled her in for a hug. Even her voice is smooth.

"Hey Y/N, this is my friend Lizzie." She introduced us both as Y/N held out her hand for me to shake.

"It's nice to meet you Lizzie." She said as she kissed my knuckles. I blushed hard as Scar just smirked at the two of us.

"Hi." I said quietly, clearly embarrassed by the effect this woman has on me.

"Shall we get going. The candy's not going to get in my bag by itself you know." Rose said making us all laugh.

"Come on little ones. I'll race you to the next house." Y/N said as the two kids started to run with Y/N on their tail.

"She's really good with them." I stated my observation.

"Yeah she is, she's a really good cook as well." Scar told me as we both walked behind the three of them.

"How, have you?" I asked as I nodded towards her.

"No of course we haven't, she's been teaching Rose how to play the guitar and we've had dinner a few times. She's a friend. A really good friend of mine." She told me while I just nodded at the information.

"Do you think she'd be interested if I asked her out?" I asked as I fiddled with my fingers.

"Yeah of course, she's a lesbian so she would definitely be all on you." She told me with a smirk making me blush at her comment. I couldn't believe it. I definitely have a chance.

"Ok I'm gonna do it." I said with confidence.

"Do what?" Scar asked confused as if we wasn't just talking about it a moment ago.

"Ask her out." I said with a confident smile.

"Ok then, go for it." She said matching my smile.

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