My Stripper(E.O)

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Smut warning

Lizzie's pov

I was stressed out about starting my new job. I'm a professor and I teach Literature and I'm starting at a new school on Monday. To say I was nervous is an understatement. My best friend Aubrey decided to drag me out since its Friday night. I watched her smirk all night as we were on our way to where she was taking me. Once she dragged me into a strip club. A fucking strip club. We went to the bar and ordered some drinks. We both watched and looked around at all of the girls in sexy lingerie. I smirked when Aubrey got dragged up by one who was wearing a light blue set. I laughed at her flustered state. I was soon brought back to reality when this stunning young girl with tattoos in her arms and stomach walked up to me. I was in awe of her she was wearing a black lacey set.

"Can I offer you a dance?" She asked in a sultry tone. I just nodded unable to speak to lost in her eyes. "I need words gorgeous." She said as her fingers traced my jaw line.

"Yes." I breathed out as she held her hand out for me which I took. She led me to a private room and pushed me in the chair. I watched as she started to dance erotically in front of my face. I tried so much to not touch her then when her ass lowered in front of me I gripped her hips.

"No touching." She whispered. "They don't like that here but wait till after I get off and I will get you off." She said seductively as she lifted my chin. Once the dance was over Aubrey was nowhere to be found. I waited for the woman to finish her shift. My eyes found her when she walked towards me with a white t shirt and a leather jacket with blue jeans and black boots. I was in awe of her. She looked so feminine in the lingerie but this look does something to me.

"Hey." I breathed out when she approached me.

"Hey, I'm Y/N by the way." She said as she held out her hand for me to shake.

"I'm Elizabeth." I told her with a soft smile.

"So do you want to get out of here?" She asked me as I looked around for Aubrey.

"Yeah, I'll just text my friend to let her know I'm heading out." I told her as we both started to make our way to the exit. She lead me to her car and opened the door for me and helped me in before she got in the drivers side.

"Are you OK with this?" She asked as she started the car.

"Yes." I said as I watched her hands on the wheel before I noticed her hand rested on my bare thigh. My breath caught in my throat as she rubbed it gently.

"I'm sorry." She said as she realised what she was doing. She removed her hand which I grabbed and replaced it back on my thigh higher up than before. I could feel the heat go to my core at the thoughts of what I want her to do to me. I moved her hand further up to my clothed core as my breathing increased. "You really want this?" She asked with a smirk as she kept her eyes on the road as her thumb pressed against my clothed clit.

"Yes." I moaned out as she cupped my centre.

"I think these need to go." She said as she pulled on my underwear. I lifted my hips up and took them off which she then took them from me and put them in her pocket. Her hand went back to my centre as she ran her hand through my folds as I gripped the sides of the seat. She teased my entrance with her fore finger. I was about to say something when she slammed two fingers in me making me moan loudly. She curled her fingers as she pulled them out hitting my g spot making me go wild. She kept going at a fast pace as I could feel my orgasm coming closer.

"I'm going to come." I breathed out as she added a third finger.

"Come for me gorgeous." She said softly. With that I came all over her fingers. I watched as she pulled them out and sucked my arousal off them. "God you taste amazing. I want more." She said as she looked in my eyes. I hadn't noticed that we had pulled up outside an apartment building. She help me out of the car and I gasped when the cold wind blew up my dress then I remember I didn't have my underwear on. She led me up to her apartment. Once we were inside I crashed my lips on hers in an urgent kiss. She gripped my hips and pulled me flush against her. I pushed her jacket off her shoulders as her hands found the zipper of my dress. She pulled it down slowly and then the dress pooled at my feet. I took her clothes off as she took my bra off. We were both left naked as we made our way to her room. She pushed me on the bed and gave me a rough kiss. When we started to struggle for air she started to kiss down my neck. Once she found my sweet spot I moaned loudly. She then kissed down my body to my core. She licked a strip through my folds making me arch my back and grip her hair pushing her further into me. She sucked harshly on my clit before she started to thrust her tongue deep inside my entrance. Her thumb applied pressure to my clit as her tongue done all of the work. I could feel my orgasm coming again. It didn't take to long for me to come which she swallowed every last drop as she kissed up my body helping me calm down before I pulled her in for a hard kiss tasting myself on her tongue.

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