You're Wife's Gonna Kill Me(E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was almost ready to finish up the night shift at the station, just as I was about to leave, the Captain Daniels walked over to me.

"Hey I know you've been here for over 12hrs already, but the bank robbers that we've been after are getting ready to hit another bank and we need all the help we can get." He told me as he reached my desk.

"When do we leave sir?" I asked him as I reached back for my phone ready to call my wife.

"Wheels up in 5. Don't be late Y/L/N" he told me as he left. I quickly pulled out my phone to call my wife.

Lizzie: Hey baby are you on your way home?

Me: I'm sorry love, I've got asked to help with a bank situation and I'll be home as soon as possible

Lizzie: really Y/N. Today is our only day off together.

Me: I know love. But I will try and make it home as soon as possible

Lizzie: why do I bother. That job will always come before me

Me: no that's not true love. We've been after these guys for months and we're finally right behind them

Lizzie: we will talk about this when you decide to come home

Me: come on. Don't be like this. As soon as I'm finished with this job I'll ask for a long weekend off and we can go away just the two of us

Lizzie: okay. Just be safe ok. I'm going over to Scarletts so just ring me when your finished OK

Me: I will do. I love you

Lizzie: I love you too

After we had finished the call I made my way down to the garage to meet with the squad to leave for the bank.
As soon as we had pulled up outside and blocked off the road so no civilians can get through. We were all waiting to see when we can move in.

"Alright guys, we have a slight problem. There are about 16 hostages inside including the staff. There are at least 6 armed robbers. We need to make sure that none of the hostages get hurt. That is our main priority." He told us as we all stood around waiting for a plan.

"Do you have a blueprint of the building sir?" I asked him as we all just stood around.

"Yes we do." He said as he got a roll and layed it out straight on the table.
"So whats your plan Y/L/N?"

"What if we found a way to get into the bank through the roof. There's roof access right there." I said as I pointed to the paper. "If we have a team ready to go through up there, use our IT tech to hack into any electrical locks that we need to get through."

"Then what about the hostages that are in there? What if they get wind of the plan?" He asked me as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"We have bait. We already arrested the leaders brother. And who was the one that caught him?" I said with a smirk. "I trade myself for the hostages. They'll want me more."

"Nope that is not a risk were going to take." He said as he ran his hands through his hair.

"It's one life to 16 innocent lives. You do the math sir." I told him as I just stared him down.

"Ok we will wait for the opportunity to get in first ok?" He said as I just nodded.

We waited for around 30 minutes until there was a phone ringing inside the tech van. So the captain answered it. He was talking on it for a while until they asked to speak to me.

Lizzies pov

I was sat at Scarlett's spending some time with her and Rose. After some time Rose had started to fall asleep on me so Scarlett took her up to her room. As scarlett was making us both a coffee I had turned the news on to see if there was anything on the bank robbers that Y/N had mentioned only to see that it was all over the news.
"So thats where Y/N is?" She asked as she passed me the cup.
"Yeah she said they've been right behind them for a while and this is the closest they've gotten to them." I told her as my eyes never left the screen to make sure that my wife was safe.
"She will be fine Lizzie. She's a strong woman" she said as she gave my hand a squeeze.
"Well I practically had a go at her this morning." I told her as I took a sip of my coffee.
"Well I'm sure you guys will both be fine." She told me with a smile. "Wait there's someone going in"

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