You're Always Saving Me (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

I'm on my way to my best friends while I'm getting shouted at by the paps. They just can't seem to leave me alone. I've been getting a lot of back lash since I've been doing more acting and only just released avengers age of ultron. I enjoy acting and it's been a passion of mine since I was younger. As soon as I knocked on Y/Ns door she opened it almost immediately and brought me in for a hug. No matter how shitty I'm feeling she always seems to calm me down just by being near her.

"Hey Lizbug." She greeted as she ushered me inside taking my coat for me and hanging it up.

"Hi Y/N/N. How's the album coming along?" I asked her as she handed me a drink.

"It's been going great. Almost finished with it. What about you, you're last movie was amazing. I absolutely loved it." She said energetically. I've always loved her energy with everything. I'm not sure if it's the smoke or the drink but it's definitely something. I've tried the smoke with her but it wasn't for me.

"It's been OK I guess." I said as I looked down at my lap.

"What's wrong Lizzie, and don't say nothing." She said as she took my hands in hers making me look at her.

"It's just I've been getting all of this back lash saying I'm only acting to copy off my sisters and other things. I just don't know how long I can take it." I said with tears in my eyes.

"Hey, we know that's not true. You are an amazing actress, you're so true to your emotions that it pours out when you act. I personally think you're a better actress than the twins anyway and I don't care if they fins out. But don't let anything they say get you down OK." She said as she pulled me in for a hug. This is what I needed a good cry and a hug from my best friend. I would've blushed when I felt her kiss my head. We ordered pizza and spent the rest of the night laughing and talking until she walked me home. She didn't want me to walk so late on my own but when I questioned her over her doing it she just shrugged.

It had been a week of getting all of those messages on Instagram, and the headlines.

Elizabeth Olsen: is she a good actress or is it just the name.

The olsen twins have set the bar high for their younger sister.

Did she pursue acting to copy off her sisters.

Did she work hard or did she get famous because of her famous twin sisters.

And so on and so on. I had started to drink a lot more than I usually do because of the anxiety. I just hated all of the hate I was getting. I hated my name, that's why I didn't use it in college so people wouldn't use me just to get to my sisters. I just want people to appreciate me for me. Is that too much to ask for. I got drunk every night, when I'd run out of wine at home I'd go to the bar a few blocks away. I've ignored everyone, my family, friends. My partner even left me because they didn't want to deal with my shit so now I'm just alone.

Y/N pov

It's been weeks since I last heard anything from Lizzie. Her family hasn't heard from her either. I've been to her house and I keep getting nothing. I've rang Scar to see if she has heard anything off her and they've all heard nothing. And I'm getting really worried. Scar and I decided to look for her tonight thinking enough is enough. She needs us. I've seen the articles and posts on Instagram. I know that it's all coming down on her.

"It's past 1am Y/N, if we were going to find her we would have by now." Scar said softly.

"Come on, just this last bar at then we'll go home and start tomorrow." I pleaded with her as I started to walk inside. We both looked around and saw nothing.

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