Bald (E.O)

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Requested by Av3ngersAssembl3

Lizzie's pov

I got the part that I had auditioned for but the only downside to it is that I have to shave my head. The director is authentic and wants it all to be natural. So I have to go bald. My character suffers with cancer and it will go through the whole needing to shave my hair before it falls out due to treatment. I don't know how I'm gonna tell my girlfriend.

"Hey sweetheart, I brought Chinese." She said as she walked through the door and sat beside me. "Are you OK?" She asked me softly as she turned her full body to face me.

"Uhm I have to tell you something." I told her as I played with my fingers.

"What is it love?" She said as she held my hands in my lap.

"I got the part for that movie, but I have to shave my head in it." I told her quietly as I avoided her gaze 

"That's amazing, I'm so proud of you." She said as she cupped my cheeks.

"You're not bothered that I'm shaving my head for a movie and not using a bald cap?" I asked her, confused at her reaction.

"No I'm not. This is something that you love doing and you've been talking about this movie non stop since you auditioned for it. You've wamted it so bad and I support you no matter what. You could be fat and bald and I'll still think you're the most beautiful woman in the world." She said making me smile. I don't know why I was so nervous in telling her. She always knows what to say to help me. "So when does filming start?" She asked as she handed me my dinner.

"In a week. We've got the script read on Friday and meeting the cast and crew but then start fully on Monday." I told her as I started to eat.

"Well tell me when you're doing the scene that you're shaving your head ok and I'll be there." She said casually.

"But what if you have work in the studio?" I asked her as she just shrugged.

"I'd rather be there for you when you're going to have an emotional day when you shave your hair. You come before anything and everything. I will always put you first." She said softly making me smile like an idiot.

"How did I get so lucky?" I asked her softly 

"Eh, I just have low standards." She said with a teasing smirk making me playfully hit her making the two of us burst out laughing. "No but seriously. I'm the lucky one that you decided to give me a chance to prove that I will love you for as long as I'm alive." She said making my eyes start to tear up. I pushed my lips on hers passionately as I stroked her cheek with my hand.

"I love you so much." I told her softly.

"I love you so much more." She said before she pulled me in for a tight embrace. She always knows how to make me feel better.

The day of the dreaded scene has come and im currently sat in my trailer waiting for Y/N.

"You're needed on set miss olsen." One of the PAs said. I sighed and went to set and noticed that there was a huge crowd in the middle of the room. I had noticed that Y/Ns manager was also here. I smiled as soon as my eyes met Y/Ns. I couldn't help myself as I lunged into her arms as she hugged me close.

"I thought you weren't going to make it." I said as I looked in her eyes.

"I would never break a promise to you. Besides I wanted to do something that would probably put your mind at ease over this whole situation." She said softly.

"What is it?" I asked her. I watched as she held the hair clippers with a smile.

"I want you to shave my head. We're going to do a live and raise money for everyone who is battling this awful disease. And I wanted to support you with shaving your head." She said softly making me smile brightly.

"You truly are something aren't you." I said as I gave her a kiss before taking the clippers. "Ok now, sit down." I said with a smirk.

"I think your taking to much fun out of this." She said with a chuckle.

"Oh I'm going to enjoy this." I said with a teasing smirk.

"Are we live yet?" She asked her manager.

"Yeah we've been live for about 5 minutes now." She confirmed.

"Now you all have seen that my Lizzie is enjoying this way too much." She started making everyone laugh. "Well anyway on a more serious note, I want to talk about something that is close to my heart. Well being a fellow survivor, I would like you all to think about helping us raise money to help all of these incredible people and amazing kids who are suffering from cancer. All of these people who go through all of the treatment which makes you feel weak and sick but to help fight the disease. If you have known someone close to you in your life that has suffered from this horrible disease please don't hesitate to reach out to talk to someone. There are charities that will help those who are suffering but also help those in their lives to understand more and help them with their own minds. So I'm going to let this crazy woman who I shouldn't trust with clippers to shave my head as a reminder of how strong those people are." She said bringing a tear to everyone's eyes. I could hear them all sniffle as I tried to hold it together myself. I didn't know about her battle with the disease. She had never mentioned it but knowing that she has went through something like that makes me fall for her even more. "Come on woman, this chair is hard and its hurting my ass." She said snapping me out of my thoughts making everyone laugh. I started to shave her hair as the donations flooded in. It was amazing what she was doing to help all of those people. Even though she was supposed to just help me get through me shaving my head but she has managed to make something good for others.

Once I have finished with her hair and turned of the clippers she started to talk again.

"Well I would like to thank all of you for your support and help to raise money fornour Cancer fighters and survivors. And also those who we have lost because of it. You guys are all awesome peace out." She said as she ended the live.

"That was amazing baby." I said as everyone else started to congratulate her.

"I just wanted to also help those who are still suffering from it." She said softly as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had suffered." I asked her softly.

"Because it was before I had met you, and it was touch and go. But I'll tell you later so now go and be amazing." She said as she gave me a gentle kiss.

As the scene went on, she was stood behind the camera in my line of sight. I was happy that she was here with me today. Once the scene had finished and I was now hair free just like her. They let us go for the day. We went home and ordered pizza and talked.

"So how long ago was it?" I asked her after I had finished my pizza.

"Well it was a year before I met you. I had a brain tumour. They tried it with chemo to see of it would shrink but it only grew. I was so ill and I hated the way I looked. I had my mum with me at the time. She was the only one that supported my dream so everyone else kinda just ignored me. So I wanted to get better for her. I didn't want the rest of them to pity me or mourn me if I didn't make it. I hate them all for letting her go through it all alone. She was my Everything before I met you. So they decided to operate to remove it which is why I have this Scar." She said as she turned her head so I could see a long Scar on the back of her scalp. I felt my heart breaking for her. "My mum helped me recover fully before she moved back home. It wasn't 3 months later she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She didn't want the chemo because she knew that she weren't going to survive it and she didn't want to spend the rest of her life feeling nauseous. I stayed with her until after her funeral before I moved back here and then I met you. Meeting you saved me in more ways than one. You gave me something worth fighting for and you saved me from my mind. You gave me hope and faith that the world is actually a good place." She finished bringing tears to my eyes. I hated that she went through all of that and to lose her mum months after her recovery is just heartbreaking. I pulled her in fprna tight hug.

"I love you so much. You are the strongest person I know." I told her softly. "And I'm thankful for everything you do."

"I love you more." She said as she gave me a passionate kiss. I honestly love this woman with my whole heart and I will do anything for her to keep her smile on her face.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Let me know what you think

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