I Blame You Part 2 (E.O)

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Requested by razer26

Lizzie's pov

It's been over 24hrs since she left, I've not heard anything from her. The storms over and I am honestly worried. I've rang around everyone again to see if they have seen or heard from her and still nothing. I was getting worried so I decided that I would phone the police and file a missing persons report. I needed to make sure that she was safe. It didn't take my mum too long to come around.

"Why did you say that to her? You lied to her about what really happened." She said as she pulled me in for a hug.

"Because I would rather have her hate me than pity me. I didn't want it to happen." I told her in between sobs. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not me you should be apologising to, it's Y/N. You made her feel worthless." She told me which all I could do was sit there and listen. "She has been your rock, even though she was breaking inside after you lost Ollie she made sure to be there for you. Trying to make you feel slightly better and you just pushed her away. Do you have any idea where she is?"

"I don't, I've called everyone to see if they've heard from her or even seen her because I'm so worried about her mum. I can't lose her. I love her so much." I told her as she pulled me in for a hug. I don't know how long she held me for before I had gotten a call.

"Hello?" I said quietly.

"Hi is this Mrs Y/L/N?" They asked.

"Yes, who is this." I asked confused.

"It's officer Daniels from LAPD, I'm phoning you to inform of our updates on your wife's missing persons report." They said

"So is there anything?" I asked as i paced around our living room.

"We found her car, she had been in a crash and has been rushed into St Marks this morning. I'm not sure of her condition now but she had been unconscious for 24 hours before she was found." They said.

"Thank you very much for your help officer." I told them as I frantically gathered my things as I hung up.

"What's wrong?" My mum asked as she stopped me from walking around.

"They've found her. She was in an accident and I don't think it's looking good mum." I told her as I broke down.

"Ok come on baby. Let's get you there. She needs you now more than ever." She said as we both walked out to her car. After I had told her what hospital to go to she drove there as fast as she could. As soon as she parked the car I jumped out running straight into the hospital.

"I'm here for Y/N Y/L/N." I told the receptionist as she typed away on her computer.

"What's you're relationship?" She asked me with a bored face

"I'm her wife." I stated a little bit irritated

"Ok well she is still in surgery right now and I will get the attending to come and find you when they have more information on her condition." She said as she stepped away.

"Where is she?" My mum asked me softly

"She's in surgery, she said they will be able to tell us more when she's out." I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair. My mum called our family to let them know what happened. I was on edge as the hours went by. No one had come out to tell us anything. Not one thing.

"Hey is she OK?" MK asked as she ran up to my mum and me.

"I don't know. No one is telling us anything other than she is in surgery 3 hrs ago." I sighed out clearly irritated by the lack of information on my wife.

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