Tease (E.O)

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Requested by hotdinoooooo

Smut warning
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I've been standing behind the scenes while Lizzie does her scenes. She is honestly an amazing actress, there's no lying there. But when she's not filming I can see she's clearly flirting with some of her cast mates. I know she knows that I can see what she's doing but she doesn't seem to care. It really made my blood boil when she kissed Paul on the cheek close to his lips.

"Hey baby." She said cheerfully as she walked over to me.

"Hi love. Are you ready to go." I asked her with a stoic expression. I want her to think that I didn't see what she was doing but she is going to pay for it later.

"Yeah I'm ready. Are you still getting ready at mine for the cast dinner?" She asked me as she took my hand in hers.

"Yeah, I have my suit bag in the car." I told her as we walked hand in hand to the parking lot. "Are you excited to finally see the finished product of wandavision?" I asked her with a soft smile.

"Yeah I can't wait. This character is by far the one that definitely holds a place in my heart. She's like a part of me." She said with a thoughtful look in her eyes.

"I bet it will be amazing because you're already amazing." I told her softly. It didn't take us long to get to hers. Once we were in her room getting ready. She decided that we both go with black and red. I wore black trousers with a red shirt and a black jacket and tie. While lizzie wore a beautiful low cut red dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

"I think I know what will make this dress look better." I told her with a smirk.

"What?" She asked me with furrowed brows.

"No underwear." I stated as I got on my knees and pulled her underwear down her legs and completely off.

"Seriously Y/N." She said as she glared at me.

"You seriously didn't think I saw you teasing me today. Flirting with most of your cast mates. You even kissed Paul on the cheek right at the corner of his mouth." I whispered in her ear. "This is merely part of your punishment." I told her as I watched her clench her thighs together. I smirked at the effect I have on her. It's going to be a fun night tonight. I walked out of the room with her on my heels.

When we got to the restaurant, we were greeted by everyone before we all sat down. I rested my hand on her thigh while I ate my food innocently while engaging in some light conversation with the others. I watched as Lizzie was talking to Paul I started to slowly move my hand up her thigh until it was under her dress. I looked in my peripheral to see her sending me a glare while I just smirked as I continued my conversation with Kat. When I had paused my movement for a while she went back to talk with Paul. I took this as my opportunity to tease her further. I ran my finger through her folds making her gasp. Everyone looked at her.

"Are you OK lizzie?" Paul asked her concerned.

"Y..Yeah I'm o..OK." She stuttered out as she shot me another glare. I paused my movements again and let her continue her conversation before applying pressure on her clit making her bite her bottom lip. I couldn't help the smile on my face at her flustered state. I then started to slowly thrust one finger in her core. I watched as she bit down on her hand trying to concentrate on the conversation instead of where my hand is.

"Are you sure you're OK lizzie? You seem a bit flustered." He asked her again gaining the attention of the rest of the table.

"Ugh YES. I mean yes I'm fine. Its just a bit hot in here." She struggled saying as I quickened my pace. I watched as her knuckles turned white at the grip she had on her cutlery. I felt her walls tighten around my fingers telling me she's close so I decided to pull out. I looked to my side at her which she was shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I just smirked at her while i finished my drink. "Are you ready to go home baby?" She asked me sweetly.

"Not yet love. We still haven't had dessert yet." I said with a smile as I watched her face turn into a scowl.

"I'm not feeling very good though baby." She said sweetly with a pout. She knows that pout is my weakness. She knows I'd do anything make her happy.

"Ok then love come on. We will see you guys later." I said as I put some money down on the table to cover our meal. I held out my hand for lizzie to hold which she took. We said our goodbyes to everyone and made our way back to the car.

"That wasn't very nice Y/N." She said as she glared at me.

"Well you should know not to flirt with anyone. You need to be reminded that you're mine." I said as I turned to face her.

"I thought wearing no underwear was punishment enough." She said as she looked out of the window.

"That was part of it baby." I told her softly as I rested my hand on her thigh as I kept my hand on the road.

"It wasn't nice to edge me." She said with a pout.

"Well it wasn't nice watching you flirt with everyone." I retorted as I moved my hand further up her thigh. I smirked at the goosebumps that formed on her body at my touch. I moved my hand further in-between her thighs grazing her clit with my knuckles making a gasp and clench her thighs trapping my hand.

"Dont you dare." She glared at me.

"What? I thought you loved my hands." I said innocently making her scoff knowing I was right. Once we reached our home she stormed out of the car and inside. I followed her with my smile never leaving my face. Once I had locked the door and kicked my shoes off, I was pushed up against it.

"You're gonna make me cum so hard that I won't be able to walk tomorrow." She growled at me while i laughed at her try at dominance.

"I will let you come when you tell me your mine and only mine. And you won't be flirting with anyone else." I spat at her as I flipped us both around and wrapped my hand around her neck applying a little pressure making her eyes roll back in pleasure. "So who does this pretty pussy belong to?" I said as I pushed a finger in her core making her moan.

"Oh god." She breathed out

"That's not my name, who does this pussy belong to." I asked her again.

"Yours daddy. All yours." She moaned out as i pushed another finger in her and curled them hitting her g spot while I attacked her neck with my lips. She was a moaning mess against the door. She rested her arms over my shoulders and wrapped her leg around my waist pulling me closer. I felt her walls tighten around my fingers and pulled them out earning a groan from her.

"Let's get that pretty pussy upstairs." I said as I kissed her roughly making her moan into the kiss. I watched as she practically ran upstairs while I followed quickly behind her. I spent most of the night edging her until I decided to put her out of her misery. I stripped myself down naked and slowly lined myself up pushing myself in her core with out warning making her moan loudly. I thrusted in fast and hard in her already sensitive core.

"Can I cum please daddy." She begged as I kept pounding in her. I was getting closer my orgasm.

"Not yet baby girl." I told her as I continued to thrust.

"I can't hold it." She whined as tears started to fall.

"Just a bit longer baby girl." I told her as I roughly kiss her.

"Cum with me now baby." I moaned out as I released my load inside her and she squirted all over the bed. I watched as she composed herself then i saw a look of horror on her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked her softly as I pulled out.

"I uh you came inside me. I'm not on birth control." She said with worry in her eyes.

"It's OK I'll go and get the morning after pill first thing for you ok." I told her as my thumb traced her cheek bone softly while she just nodded. We got cleaned up and changed the sheets before we both fell asleep peacefully with her in my arms.

Hope you guys enjoy this triple update.

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