You're First Girl Crush Part 2 (E.O)

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Requested by SaraLanceislife
Smut warning ⚠️
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been together for a couple of years now and it's been amazing. I do plan on spending the rest of my life with her. She's coming home today after being away filming for months. We've spoke on the phone everyday but I have missed her dearly. So I am taking the day off to pick her up from the airport. Jack is in school and her flight should be landing soon. Jack is going to be staying at Scarletts tonight with Rose. I'm sure he has a little crush on her which is cute. I'm currently waiting for lizzie to come through the gate.

I was soon broken out of my daze when I saw her coming through the gate with a wide smile on my face. Once she saw me she had the biggest smile on her face and started to run. She dropped her bag and jumped in m arms kissing me passionately.

"I've missed you." She said against my lips.

"I've missed you too sweetheart." I told her with a fuzzy smile before she kissed me. I honestly would never get bored of her lips on mine. "Come on, let's get you home." I said as I picked up her bag and held her hand on my free hand as we walked to my car. I opened the door for her before i put her bag on the trunk. As soon as I started to drive she put her hand on my thigh. I tried to keep my attention on the road ahead.

"I missed every part of you." She whispered seductively in my ear making me groan and my dick harden.

"You're on thin ice." I said as she leant back in her seat and just stared at me with her bottom lip between her teeth. Honestly this woman will be the death of me. She kept her hand on my thigh slowly moving it upwards throughout the drive home. Once we had pulled up outside I quickly got out and ran over to Lizzies side to open her door and grab her hand and pull her inside.

"What about my bag." She asked as she followed me. As soon as she closed the door I pushed her against it making her gasp.

"That was a dangerous game." I whispered in her ear as I nibbled on it earning a moan from her.

"Well it was a good one." She said back as she rubbed on my growing bulge making me moan.

"Dont start something you can't finish." I told her as I grabbed her wrist

"Well do something about it then." She challenged me. I then placed my lips on hers in a bruising kiss. I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance which she denied. I then cupped her clothed core making her moan lightly. Slightly parting her lips letting me force my tongue in her mouth exploring every inch inside. I felt her buck her hips on my hand to gain some friction which I gripped her hips stopping her movements.

"Oh you don't get it that easy after the stunt you played." I said as I ripped her t shirt off her exposing her black lacey bra.

"That was my favourite shirt." She moaned before I slammed my lips back on hers. Our tongues danced together in unison as I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I kept her pushed up against the door in our heated make out session. "Bedroom." She breathed out as I attacked her neck. I happily carried her upstairs to my bedroom and set her down on her feet. She quickly rid me of my clothes as i did the same with her. We were both left in our underwear as she started to palm my already hard dick through my boxers.

"Suck it." I demanded making her moan at my dominance. She sunk down to her knees keeping eye contact as she removed my boxers. She then licked a strip up my cock before putting it all in her mouth. My hand found its way into her hair as she sucked on my cock. "God, you're such a good girl." I moaned out making her moan at the praise and send vibrations through my tip. I felt my cock hit the back of her throat repeatedly as I reached my climax. I shot my load right down her throat as she swallowed every last bit. I then pulled her up pulling her in for a rough kiss as I removed her bra letting her breasts bounce free. I then reached my hand underneath the hem of her underwear. "Are you going to be a good girl?" I asked her as I ran my fingers through her folds.

"Yes daddy." She moaned out as I pulled her underwear off. I took off my bra as I pushed gently on the bed. I moved her up so her head rested on the pillows. I reached over and placed a condom on my hard cock.

"You're so beautiful." I whispered against her lips. "Tell me what you want."

"I want you to fuck until I can't walk." She moaned out as I teased her core with my cock. I slowly entered inside as she got used to my size making us both moan. I started to slowly thrust as her moans got slightly louder. "Faster. Harder." She breathed out which i complied. Hitting her g spot repeatedly as she scratched harshly down my back making me moan. "I'm going to cum." She moaned out.

"Cum for me baby." I said as I smashed my lips on hers in a rough sloppy kiss swallowing her moans. "On your knees ass in the air." I told her as I pulled out which she complied. I ran my had up and down her smooth back placing kisses down her spine before I slammed back into her already sensitive core. I thrusted at a fast pace making her grip the bed sheets making her knuckles white. Her moans and the slapping sound of our skin filled the room. I didn't take to long for her to reach her second orgasm.

"I can't do any more." She whined out as I continued to thrust.

"One more. I'm close baby." I told her as I pulled her back flush against my chest as I wrapped one arm across her chest while my other hand reached down and played with her sensitive clit making her moan loudly. I felt the familiar knot in my stomach as I reached my high. I came inside the condom while she squirted all over us both and the bed. I kissed behind her ear softly. "I love you." I breathed out.

"I love you too." She said as i pulled out. She lay down catching her breath while I went a ran her a bath.

"Aren't you getting in with me?" She asked me softly as she climbed in the bath.

"I'm just going to change the sheets and then I'll join you baby." I told her as I placed a kiss to her head.

The next few days went by fast. I was planning on asking her tonight at dinner. Scarlett was having Jack for me since she knows my plan. I had the backyard all set up with fairy lights. A candle lit dinner. Now I'm just waiting for her to finish getting ready. I made her chicken rice, hopefully she'll love it. When she walked outside she was in awe.

"This is beautiful Y/N." She said with a wide smile. "What's the occasion." She asked softly. She was wearing a beautiful green dress that matched her captivating green eyes.

"You look absolutely stunning." I told with a fuzzy smile which she widened hers if possible.

"You still didn't answer my question." She stated as I pushed her in.

"Why must there be an occasion for me to treat such an amazingly beautiful woman." I told her as I sat down making her laugh. I love that laugh, I could listen to it all day and not get bored. "Well let's eat the food isn't going to eat itself." I said with a smirk which she just rolled her eyes with a smile. We both ate in a comfortable silence. Once both of our plates were finished with I stood up and slowly walked over to her.

"These last two years have been the best of my life and I can't wait to spend many more with you. You are my person lizzie. My soulmate. You came into my life when I didn't know I needed you. I fall more in love with you every day and every day that we're apart it's like there's a piece of me missing. But then you come back to me and it's like you never left." I said as I got down on one knee in front of her. "Elizabeth Chase Olsen, will you do me the honour of becoming my wife and be my forever."

I watched as tears fell from her eyes as she pulled me up by my collar and smashed her lips onto mine.

"Yes. A million times yes." She said with a wet smile. I slipped the ring on her finger and pulled her in for another passionate kiss. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with my person and start a family with her.

An guys enjoy 😉

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