Happiest Moments (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning
Lizzie GiP

Y/N pov

Lizzie and I have been trying for a few months to get pregnant. Since we got married and work settled we wanted to start our own family and I couldn't think of anyone better to have a family with. She is the most caring, gentle, beautiful soul you could ever meet. We're currently out having dinner with her sisters. I really do admire the relationship she has with them.

"So when are you gonna actually give us a niece or nephew?" MK teased us both making Ashley laugh.

"When are you gonna settle down?" Lizzie fired back making Ashley and I laugh at MKs shock.

"Touché." MK said with a nod. The rest of the evening went well until we were in the car and she hand one hand on my thigh while she was driving. She knows what that does to me especially when she softly strokes my soft skin.

"Are you okay baby?" She asked with with smirk.

"Uhm yeah I'm good." I said a little flustered as her hand started to slowly move up my thigh. As soon as we got home and walked into our room she turned around and pulled me in for a bruising kiss. She licked along my bottom lip which I opened my mouth for her to explore. Her hands gripped my hips as she pulled me closer to her. I could feel her growing bulge through her slacks. When we pulled away for air she started to move her kisses down my neck. I moaned as she sucked on my weak spot which she always finds with ease.

Well I sure hope so since we've been together for so long. Anyways back to the good stuff.

My hands found their way to the front of her shirt and started to unbutton them and slipped it off her shoulders. I started on her belt and trousers pushing them down leaving her in her bra and boxers. She unzipped my dress letting it pool at my feet. She tapped my thigh signalling me to jump which I did as she walked us both over to the bed gently laying me down looking in my eyes. Her eyes were full of love.

"You're so beautiful baby." She told me as she gave me a soft kiss.

"You tell me that every day." I teased her with a smirk.

"And I will continue to tell you that until my dying breath." She said before I pulled her back in for a hard passionate kiss. I arched my back for her to take my bra off and throw it somewhere before she started to suck on my nipples. I moaned loudly as I felt her hardened cock rub against my clit. I took off her bra and pulled on the waistband of her boxers. "What do you want baby?" She asked pressing soft kisses down my check and chest

"I want you to make love to me." I told her with that she pulled her boxers off along with my underwear. She kissed me passionately as I felt her hardened cock run through my folds before she inserted herself in my core making us both moan loudly. She started to thrust slowly as my legs wrapped around her waist as she sucked on my nipples. "Faster." I moaned out which she complied. We were both moaning messes. I scratching my nails down her back as she went deeper. "I'm close." I breathed out as she sped up her pace chasing down her own high.

"Me too baby." She grunted as she thrusted faster and harder. It didn't take us both long to reach our climax. She slowly thrusted to ride out our highs together before she gave me a soft passionate kiss before she pulled out. She lay down beside me as I snuggled up closer to her as she pulled the covers over us.

The next few weeks consisted of a lot of trying. I kept thinking that it was hopeless since nothing was happening. I woke up one morning and done my morning routine. I looked on the shelves next to the loo and was reminded about my period. I looked at the date and realised that I was 4 weeks late. So I took one of the pregnancy tests to do while lizzie was still asleep. I waited for 3 minutes before I looked at the test. I soon burst through the door.

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