One Time Thing Part 2 (E.O)

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Requested by Slaveforlizzie

Y/N pov

This was only supposed to be temporary so I thought. Well now Lizzie and I are engaged with Lucas is now 2 going on 3. His birthday is soon and we've been running around getting everything ready for him. We've got his whole family coming and his friends from daycare. We want nothing more than to make this the best birthday ever for him. And then every single one after that. Lizzie and I have been going strong since we decided to raise lucas together. We've confessed our feelings and we've never been happier. There just seems to be one small problem right now. Her ex Robbie. He's been hanging around her more since we've been engaged and I don't really know what his intentions are with her. One day after dropping lucas off at day care I got out and saw him at the door shouting at her. When I got closer I saw that she was uncomfortable.

"Is everything OK here?" I asked as I got in between them both.

"I just want to know why she won't tell me that Lucas is my kid. I deserve to see my kid." He shouted. I was confused since lizzie told me that I was the only one that she had sex with at that time. I looked between them. Lizzie had tears in her eyes.

"He isn't your kid Robbie, he's mine and Lizzie's." I told him as I stepped towards him. I was getting angry and I was happy that Lucas wasn't here to see this.

"Yeah he is. I worked it out. The last time we had sex would've been around the time you got pregnant with him." He shouted past me at her.

"No he isn't yours Robbie." She said shakily.

"Yeah he is." He shouted at her as he tried to get to her.

"I think you should leave before you do something that you're going to regret." I told him calmly.

"I'll be back to finish this. I will bring my lawyer too." He stated before he got in his car. I walked past lizzie inside as I heard her quick footsteps behind me. I grabbed my self a beer which before I could take a sip she took the bottle off of me.

"So. You fucked him around the time you fucked me." I stated. I was angry and hurt but I didn't want to show her that. She stayed silent. "So was I just a game to you. Is Lucas even mine." I asked her with a stoic expression. I started to angry the more she stayed silent. "ANSWER ME ELIZABETH." I shouted. I watched as she flinched at the anger in my tone.

"Yes, we had one night before I had slept with you." She said quietly.

"Did you use protection?" I asked her as I crossed my arms over my chest which she just shook her head. "So he might not be mine. So is any of this real?" I asked her as I pointed between to the two of us. "Would you look at me. I at least deserve a little respect."

"I love you Y/N. Please I don't want to lose you. If you want a paternity test we can get one but I can assure you that he is your son. We are a family." She said softly as she stepped towards me slowly without breaking eye contact.

"Are you lying right now because I can't trust anything you say." I told her quietly as she sighed sadly.

"No I'm telling you the truth. The way his eyes shine when he gets excited. That little goofy smirk of yours he has.  He has all of your best qualities and more. He is yours because I can just see it. I don't see any resemblance to Robbie. He is going to waste his money on all of this but if a paternity test is what you want then we will do it." She said as she cupped my face. I shook my head out of her grip before I stepped away from her.

"I uh I need some air." I said as I picked up my keys. "Dont forget to pick lucas up from daycare." I said as I walked out and got in my car. I hated this. We have had the best 3 years and now it can be crumbling down in front of my eyes. Everything that I have ever wanted can be gone within the blink of an eye. So I decided to drive to my local pub. I went in and ordered myself a whiskey. After a few more drinks I felt someone sit beside me.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now