One Time Thing? (E.O)

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Requested by ana375858
Smut warning
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I was on set of the new avengers movie with Sebastian and Anthony just talking about shit until RDJ came up to the three of us.

"Im having a party tonight and you're coming." He said before walking away.

"Ok then." I said as I turned back to the other two.

"So are you gonna finally tell her tonight?" Seb asked me knowing about my feelings for lizzie.

"No, she's never gonna feel the same way. She'll see me as a freak like everyone else." I told him since he knows about me being intersex.

"No she wouldn't think that. She's a sweet girl and she's perfect for you." He told me softly as he left to go and film a scene while I walked to my trailer to get ready to go home. Once I was home I was contemplating whether to go tonight. It was now 8pm so I decided to get ready in a black shirt with grey slacks and black boots. As soon as I reached Roberts door he flung it open with a smirk on his face.

"I was wondering if you were actually going to come." He said with sass.

"Well I was thinking about it." I said back with a fake smile as he let me in. I saw everyone already here, my eyes found her with scarlett. She was wearing a black dress that hugged her curves perfectly.

"You might want to wipe that drool." Seb teased with a smirk as we watched Lizzie and Scar start dancing with the other girls.

"I need a drink." I said as I walked over to the bar to get a beer. I sat on a stool in a corner just watching everything and everyone.

"Hey Y/N." My favorite person said.

"Hey, you look beautiful." I told her as I looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you, you look good." She said with a smile as she sipped her wine. "Come dance with me." She said as she grabbed my hand while I shook my head. "Please. For me." She gave me her puppy eyes which I can't say no to so I gave in and let her lead to the dance floor. We danced around to the music, jumping up and down until a sensual song came on. She wrapped her hands around my neck while I hesitantly grabbed her hips and pulled her closer to me. We moved our hips in sync until she turned around and pushed herself further into me. I kept praying that my little friend wouldn't wake up as she kept grinding her ass on my crotch. I felt myself getting harder as her hand reached around and gripped my neck. She soon stopped when she felt my not so little friend and turned around as my eyes widened.

"I've got to go." I said as I walked off ignoring her calling me. I walked out of the front without saying goodbye to anyone.

"Y/N!!" She shouted causing me to stop and turn around.

"I understand you think I'm a freak and don't want to know me. That's fine, I get it." I said as I turned back around to leave only being stopped by her grabbing my wrist.

"I don't think you're a freak." She said softly.

"Why not? Everyone else usually does." I said as I looked down.

"I'm not everyone else." She said before she slammed her lips onto mine. I pulled away because we both have had quite alot to drink.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" I asked her softly as she nodded.

"Yes. I'm not too drunk to regret it but I'm drunk enough to have the confidence for it. I need this Y/N." She said softly as I searched her eyes for any sign of doubts which I found none. Her driver came and picked us both up, once we were in the car she straddled my lap and kissed me roughly as she grinded her hips on my growing bulge making us both moan into the kiss. Once we pulled up outside her house she dragged me inside before slamming her lips on to mine as she closed the door. She lead me to her room before she started to unbuckle my belt kissing me roughly. My fingers dug into her hips as i started to kiss her neck. "No marks." She breathed out as I nibbled on her ear. She pulled my pants and boxers down and sunk to her knees as she rubbed my hard cock up and down while holding eye contact. I moaned at the sight of her putting her mouth around my hardened member was the best sight I had ever seen. She swirled her tongue around my sensitive tip making me buck my hips making my cock touch the back of her throat. I gripped her hair while I thrusted my hips as she gripped the back of my thighs.

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