Missing Piece (E.O)

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Requested by AkhoLhangIthow
Reader GiP

Y/N pov

I woke up this morning determined to ask the most beautiful girl in school out. I had the biggest crush on her since forever. I got on my motorcycle and drove to school. My mum was against me getting a bike but my dad was all for it, since we would be able to drive together on our own bikes. He never got that with my older brother who was too much of a pussy.

As soon as I walked down the halls to my locker, I saw her walk in with her books in hand. She always had a smile on her face. She was part of the volleyball team while I played basketball. We only had a few lessons together, but that only made those lessons worth it. When she approached me I lost my breath with how breathtaking she was.

"Hey Y/N, good luck in the game tonight." She said with a bright smile.

"Thank you. Will you be there?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Yeah I'll be there." She said as she smiled.

"Well would you like to go out for some food afterwards?" I asked her as I played with my fingers

"Maybe if you win tonight." She said with a wink before walking away. I just watched in awe as she swayed her hips.

"You might want to wipe the drool on your face dude." Dani said with a smirk.

"Yeah whatever." I said as I made my way to my first lesson.

Game time came and let me tell you. I played my damned hardest, I wanted that date with her. After every basket I scored I pointed to her making her laugh and shake her head. Let me tell you we won that game. Once I had showered and got dressed. I left the locker room to see her leaning on the wall.

"Good game Y/L/N." She said with a smile.

"Thank you. I finally had someone worth playing for." I told her with a smirk making her blush. "Are you ready?" I asked her as I held out my arm for her.

"Yes, are we taking your car?" She asked me as we walked to the parking lot

"Yeah I don't have a car." I told her shyly.

"That's OK." She said as we stopped at my bike. I put my bag under the seat and put my helmet on her head. "What about you?" She asked worried.

"I'll be fine. I promise I will get a spare helmet from now on." I told her. The butterflies in my stomach erupted as her arms squeezed tightly around my waist as I started the our journey. I pulled up outside a small diner before getting off. I helped her off the bike and took the helmet off her head and walked in side by side. I held the door open for her which made her smile. I sat opposite her in a booth. We both talked and got to know eachother alot more.

"So you probably know my sisters right?" She asked while I just shook my head. "Really?"

"Really, I've never heard of them." I told her honestly.

"Are you sure? They're famous." She said shocked.

"Yeah I'm sure. I'm not much of a TV person. I prefer working on my bike or going for drives with my dad." I told her with a shrug.

"Then why did you want to go out with me?" She asked me. She clearly only ever gets recognised for her sisters and it breaks my heart.

"Well because you are beautiful and kind and I just want to get to know you better and see where this goes." I told her honestly making her smile widely. "See that beautiful smile is what I love to see." I said making her laugh and blush.

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