Politics (E.O)

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Requested by CharlotteEmelyBerroy

Lizzies pov

I'm sat in our living room watching TV while I wait for my wife to come home. Since she has been made partner in the law firm that she works at she's barely ever home. The worst part is that we're supposed to be starting the treatment for me to get pregnant because we both want a family. I took a year off work for this. Made sure that no projects came up but she can't do that with her work. She's really good at her job and she loves it. I just wish that she would try and make it home a little earlier to spend time with me.

"Honey, I'm home." She said making me smile which she never fails to do

"Hi baby. How was work?" I asked her as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

"It was great. Uhm I have something to run by you." She said nervously as she pecked my lips.

"Ok what is it?" I asked her as I lead her into the kitchen to sort out our dinner.

"I have been asked to run for Congress but I told them before I make a decision I needed to talk to you first." She said shyly.

"Well if it's something you want to do, that's all that matters right." I told her honestly.

"Yeah it is. I really want to make a change if you get me. I know I help a lot of people in my job but I want to help more people than I already do." She said with a bright smile. I love how she talks about helping people. She's just got a good heart.

"Well you should do it. Like you said you will help more people and I couldn't be any prouder of you my wife." I told her as I kissed her lips before plating up our dinner. We walked to the dining room together to eat in a comfortable silence while exchanging small smiles.

"That was lovely sweetheart." She said as she wiped her mouth.

"Thank you." I said with a slight blush. No matter how long we've been together she never fails to make me blush or get the butterflies in my stomach to go wild.

"So how was your day?" She asked as she took a sip of her drink.

"It was great, I went around to visit my sisters while they're in town before they go back to New York." I told her with a bright smile as I recalled the fun day I had today.

"That's amazing. We should invite them to dinner one night before they go back." She suggested making me smile. That's another thing that I love about her, she always encourages me visiting my friends and family. It doesn't bother her either when I go out to the clubs with them without her. She's just amazing and I love her so much for it.

"Yeah we should definitely arrange something. When are you next off work?" I asked her softly not really wanting to know the answer.

"Well I'm not off work now til next weekend but I have a half day on Friday. Just filling put paperwork from closed cases. So we could do it then." She said with a wide smile as she grabbed both of our plates.

"Yeah, I'll message them and let them know." I told her honestly. I'm kinda worried though about this whole Congress thing. I don't want her to overwork herself. She already works hard with being a lawyer but this will be a while different can of worms.

Its been a few weeks since she started her campaign and we haven't really spent time together. When she gets home, she's tired and goes straight to bed. She hasn't ate a meal with me since. Some nights she doesn't even come home and we've got our appointment for me to start the process for us having our baby.

"Hey, are you coming with tomorrow to the doctors for our appointment?" I asked her softly before she went upstairs.

"Hey, I don't think it would be wise to have one right now." She said as she avoided my gaze.

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