You're My Guardian Angel (E.O)

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Requested by heyitsjaceyy

Italic - Flashback

Y/N pov

I was diagnosed with Glioblastoma 6 months ago. It is a rare agressive form of cancer and it was too late to start the treatments. I was upset about it at first because I know that sooner or later I'll be leaving my family behind. My wife Lizzie has been my rock through everything and we've tried our best to keep everything as normal for the kids, Aiden and Lexi. It was heartbreaking having to tell them but it had to be done.

Lizzie and I had just got home from the Oncologist and were immediately met with the two kids running towards us both. I had been feeling nauseus and getting severe headaches for a few weeks and we needed to get it checked out. Lizzie picked up Lexi and Aiden held my hand as we walked in the living room to be met with my cousin Scar with Rose and Cosmo.

"Hey how did it go?" She asked us both. I could see that Lizzie had tears in her eyes but was trying to stay strong for the kids.

"Well we need to talk about that." I said as I sat down.

"Kids why dont you go out and play in the yard." Lizzie told the four kids which they all went outside.

"So what happened?" She asked as Lizzie started to let the tears fall.

"I uh this is going to be hard but I have glioblastoma. Its inoperable and there's nothing that they can do." I told her as Lizzie just scoffed.

"There probably is something that they can do but they are choosing to let you die." She said as she stood up and rubbed her face harshly.

"There isn't a way out of this princess. This is it." I said softly as I stood up and held her shoulders.

"So youre just gonna let yourself die." She shouted.

"Mama?" We heard Aiden which made us all turn around to see Aiden stood there with tears in his eyes.

"Can you get your sister for me please champ." I asked him which he nodded and went to get her.

"So you're going to just tear their whole world apart." Lizzie asked me angrily and before I could answer the kids came in and sat beside me.

"I'll give you guys some privacy." Scar said as she went out to Rose and Cosmo.

I watched as Lizzie softened and sat with Lexi on her lap before we started the hardest conversation.

"You both know how i havent been feeling well lately." I started as they both nodded. "Well we went to have some tests and got the results today and mamas brain isnt well."

"So you're dying?" Lexi asked sadly.

"I am. But I promise to be spending as much time as I can with you both. I am not going to get better." I told them as Aiden cuddled into my side.

"So we are going to make the most of the time we have left with your mama." Lizzie said as she squeezed my hand. "But if ever you both need to cry you can always come to either one of us."

"What about you mummy? You need someone too." Aiden said making my heart break.

"I will have you both to help me through it. We just need to spend as much time together as possible. We will make it memorable for us all." She told them with a sad smile.

"Yeah, we can go out to your Aunty Scar's cabin in the summer with Aunty Scar, Uncle Colin and Rose and Cosmo." I told them to cheer them up a bit. They both smiled and nodded before running back outside to play with Rose and Cosmo.

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