I Will Never Be Him Part 4 (E.O)

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Y/N pov

The trial is this week and I can tell that Lizzie is getting really anxious. She just won't sit still and is cleaning over the same surface all of the damn time. Right now shes currently hanging up the clean curtians.

"No they don't smell right." She said quietly to herself so I decided that enough is enough.

"They're fine Liz. Lets get you in the bath and have a nice relaxing evening." I told her as I took the curtain off her and hang it up myself.

"But there is a lot to be done." She said frantically 

"No there isn't Liz. What you need right now is to rest. Have a nice warm bath and a glass of wine. Spend the night laying in bed doing nothing other than watching movies." I told her softly as she just nodded. I watched as she walked to the bedroom to get her things ready and run her bath. I started to get things out to prepare dinner and get her a glass of wine. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Come in." She shouted through the door

"Are you covered?" I asked as she just giggled at my blind man impersonation.

"Yes." She said with a smile. I peaked to make sure that she wasn't lying. When I noticed that the bubbles covered everything I walked closer to her to hand her the wine. When she took it she thanked me before I left her in peace to go and start on dinner.

Lizzies pov

I couldn't help but feel relaxed as Y/N made sure that I was ok. I found it cute the way she hid her face as she came in the bathroom. She has honestly been my light through all of this. My hero.

Once I got out of the bath, I got myself ready in some comfy clothes of Y/Ns before heading towards the kitchen. I watched as she brought a plate of pancakes with ice cream over to me.

"What's this?" I asked her confused.

"It's dinner." She said with a bright smile. "I just thought you could do with some cheering up."

"Thank you Y/N." I told her softly as she sat down beside me. She really is too good to be true.

The rest of the week went by with her making me feel better and to keep my mind off today. The trial.

I was getting ready in my black suit ready to join Y/N, my family and my lawyer for the hardest thing in my life. Once we had made it into the courthouse we had sat in our seats ready for it to start.

Y/N pov

I sat behind her next to her mum. Once we saw him come out to take his seat with his lawyer. He looked over at Lizzie with a sick smirk on his face and Lizzie took in a shaky breath. I could already tell that this is going to be hard for her. When they called Lizzie to the stand, she looked pale and terrified.

"So Mrs Arnett, what are the purposes of the accusations against my client?" His lawyer asked her. I could already tell that she was getting overwhelmed.

"Objection your honour." Her lawyer shouted.

"Overruled." The judge said sounding bored. I gave Lizzie a reassuring smile  and mouthed you got this to her.

"They aren't accusations if they are the truth and its Ms Olsen by the way." She said confidently.

"Ok, well can you describe your relationship with Mr Arnett." They asked her.

"Well at first, it was amazing. He was gentle and kind and he made me feel safe. Until the few months before we got engaged, he wae distant and always snappy. He didn't hurt me then and I never thought that he would." She said before she composed herself to continue. "Then the night of the Dr Strange premiere, he uh he took advantage of me." It broke my heart that she had to endure all of that.

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