Swimming Lessons (W.M)

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Requested by elxlizzie

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Smut Warning

Wanda pov

I was sat at the edge of the pool watching Tommy and Billy splash and swim around. But my gaze kept going over to the life guard who hasn't left my mind since I first saw them. Just the way their silky hair sways in the slight breeze and their sharp jaw line. And let's not forget about their muscles. Just one look from them is enough for me to mely on the spot. I don't know if I want something serious or I just need one night of raw animalistic sex. Especially since the divorce I have been in kind of a dry spell.

"Hey Mrs Maximoff, how are you?" They ask me with their smile that makes me weak at the knees.

"It's Miss now, but please call me Wanda." I told them with a seductive smirk.

"Oh I'm sorry Wanda. The boys seem to love coming here. I've seen them almost everyday." They smiled as they turned their attention to the pool.

"They both love the water. When they were babies they used to cry when you took them out of the bath." I told them with a smile as I relished in that particular memory

"But you don't know how to swim do you?" They asked me.

"No, I was never taught." I told them as they glanced at me.

"Well I could always teach you." They told me with a soft smile.

"I couldn't ask you to do that." I told them.

"You're not asking. I'm offering." They smiled at me. "I can teach you at my place so you won't be overwhelmed."

"Are you sure?" I asked them. I was dancing inside that they wanted to spend more time with me.

"I am positive. I'll let you know my schedule and we can work something out." They smiled before I watched them walk away. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I felt excitement.

Over the next few days they gave me their schedule and number with their address. Vision was having the boys on the days we had worked out because well he should step up and help me with the boys. I was driving to Y/N's house as I tapped the steering wheel nervously. Once I approached the door they opened it for me.

"Hey Wanda, it's great to see you." They beamed making my heart race.

"Hi Y/N. Are you ready?" I asked them as they let me in.

"I should ask you that." They chuckled. "Let me show you where you can change." I followed them into a bedroom. "You can get ready here. I'll be outside." I watched as they left the room. I was starting to get extremely nervous. When I walked outside, they were already in the pool doing some laps.

"Hey." I said as I sat on the edge of the pool. Suddenly feeling nervous about my choice in bathing suit.

"Hey, you coming so we can get started?" They said as they stopped beside me. Now my heart beating out of my chest as I stepped into the water. They started to guide me in the front stroke, with the way their hands were touching my body as they guided me. "You need to straighten out your spine." They said as their hand held the top of my pelvis and their arm resting on my core. My breath hitched when they put more pressure on my stomach. I had to fight the urge to roll my hips as their arm added more pressure to my core. "You need to steady your breathing." They told me. They removed their hands from me before they set me down. "I think we should call it a day."

"Yeah." I breathed out. Neither of us wanting to move away from eachother. We were both leaning in as they closed the gap between us. They kissed me passionately ingniting a fire in me as I wrapped my arms around their neck pulling them closer to me. Their fingers went under the waist band of my bikini bottoms as they gave my ass a squeeze making me moan allowing their tongue to enter my mouth. We both relished in the taste of each other as the kiss got even more heated. I could feel their hardened cock through their swim shorts

"Is this what you want?" They husked as they looked in my eyes.

"Yes." I said before I pulled them back in for a bruising kiss.

"We should take this inside." They said as they led me out of the pool and into their bedroom. Once they closed the door I pushed them against it and kissed them hard allowing my tongue to slip past their lips. They spun us around so I was against the door as they kissed down my neck. Soon finding my sweet spot and sucking harshly making me moan. I clawed at their shoulder as their lips and teeth continued to tease me making me even more wetter than before.

"Baby." I breathed out as I felt their hands softly caress my sides. "I need you." I sighed as they untied my bikini bra and took a nipple in their mouth and sucked harshly making me arch my back into them. I felt their hand slowly make its way down my stomach and reached inside my bikini bottoms and they ran their fingers through my folds making my breath hitch as they grazed over my clit.

"God your so wet princess." They said as they pulled away from my breast with a string of saliva attaching them.

"Only for you. God you make me so horny." I breathed as I looked in their eyes.

"Do you ever think about me?" They husked as they applied pressure to my clit. I nodded my head with my eyes closed as they rubbed circles. "What is that you think about?" They husked as they bit my ear, their other hand on my hip.

"I think about you fucking me with those muscly veiny hands." I moaned as they inserted two fingers.

"What else?" They whispered.

"I love the way you move with authority around that pool." I struggled to get out as they increased their pace. "I imagine coming undone underneath you as we fuck on the sun loungers at the pool side." I screamed as I came down their hand. They pulled their fingers out and sucked my cum off their fingers making me groan. I took off my bottoms and tugged on their shorts and pushed them towards the bed. They took off their top and they sat at the edge as their knees hit the bed. "And ever since I seen your little friend through your swim shorts. I can't stop but imagine what it will be like to ride you." I told them seductively as I straddled their lap and lowered myself down on their hardened member making the two of us moan loudly. I started to lift my hips and slam back down hard hitting that right spot that sends me wild. I scratched their shoulders as they gripped at my hips harshly. They thrusted their hips meeting my thrusts as we both were moaning sweaty messes. I gripped their chin and brought them in for a sloppy passionate kiss.

"I need to pull out." They groaned as our thrusts were getting sloppier.

"It's ok. I'm on the pill." I moaned as with a last few thrusts I felt them fill me up as I came down their cock. I rested my head on their shoulder as they rubbed their hand softly up and down my back as I calmed down. "That was incredible." I said as I kissed them softly before I lifted myself from them. Instantly missing them inside me. We laid down together for a while in silence before they spoke up.

"You know, I have always liked you Wanda but I never thought that I had a chance with you." They said as they turned to face me. "Do I have a chance with you? You know to be a proper couple if that's what you want of course?"

"Of course you do. I have been divorced for almost 9 months now and the first time I saw you was the moment I knew that I could finally move on and be happy. And I don't want this to be a one time thing either." I told them as I caressed their cheek before they leaned in and kissed me softly making my heart warm.

A nice little fluffy/smutty one for you guys. Let me know what you guys think.

Don't worry about the requests I haven't done. I haven't forgotten about them and will get them out when I can. My schedule these next couple of months is a wee bit hectic with ozzy appointments so if I don't post everyday I'm sorry in advance

Love you all 3000

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