Fuck Me Daddy (E.O)

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Requested by Wanda_Lizzie
Lizzie GiP
Smut warning ⚠️ for you horny feckers

Lizzie's pov

I was staying with my best friend since I've been in New York with work. We both met at college, we were room mates and I did develop a crush on her. She knew about me being intersex and didn't care.

I was on my way home from having dinner with my sisters. When I walked in I expected to see her sat on the sofa watching her TV show but she was no where to be found. I took off my coat and shoes before I headed to my room to get in so comfy clothes. I thought it was weird her not being home because she usually leaves a note or a text so I don't worry.

As I reached my door I heard moans coming from her room thinking she had someone over. As I was about to close my door I heard her moan my name. So i decided to risk it and see what she was doing. As I slowly opened her door quietly. I saw her lying on her bed massaging her breast with on hand while the other was thrusting in and out at a fast pace. I opened the door wider and leaned on the door frame. I felt myself become hard at the sight of her pleasuring herself.

"Are you having fun?" I said with a smirk making myself known.

"I uh. I didn't know when you would be back." She stuttered out as she scrambled to cover herself.

"Would you like me to do something about it?" I said as I slowly made my way over to her. She just nodded frantically. "I need words baby girl." I said as I started to strip myself.

"Yes please." She breathed out as she watched my every move. Once I was completely naked I ripped the covers off her making her gasp at the sudden motion.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked her as my lips ghosted hers.

"I want you to fuck me daddy." She said seductively making me harder. I smashed my lips on hers in a bruising kiss. I started to feel her grind against me wanting some friction. I started to lower my kisses down her chest taking her nipple in my mouth sucking it harshly while massaging the other gaining a loud moan from her. I gave the same attention to the other one before making my way down to her thighs. I kissed her thighs avoiding the place she needs me most.

"Please." She begged making me smirk against her skin at how desperate she is.

"Such a needy girl." I said before I took her clit in my mouth sucking it harshly earning breathy moans from her. I started to lick through her folds dipping my tongue in her entrance. I started to tongue fuck her as I applied pressure to her clit with my thumb. Her moans had gotten pornagraphically loud.

"I'm gonna cum. Can I cum daddy?" She begged me making me moan sending vibrations through her core.

"Cum for me baby." I said softly. As she cum I lapped up her juices moaning at the taste. I kissed back up her body before looking in her eyes. "I've always wanted to taste you." I told her before I kissed her passionately letting her taste herself moaning into my mouth. I soon lined myself up with a core before slowly pushing in letting her get used to my size.

"God, you're so big." She moaned out as I pushed all the way in. I started to move my hips slowly making us both moan at the sensation. "Faster daddy." She moaned out making me go faster. I started to attack her neck biting and licking over the spot. I smirked against her skin knowing that I've left my marks on her. I knew I was hitting the right spot when she started to moan and arch her back.

"I'm gonna cum." She said as she came all over my cock. I kept going at a faster pace reaching for my high. I could feel the knot in my stomach telling me I'm close. It didn't take long for her to come again so I pulled out and finished shooting my load over her stomach and chest.

"Wow. I've always wanted to do that." I said breathlessly earning a giggle from the girl beneath me.

"Me too." She said with a fuzzy smile as she leaned up to give me a soft passionate kiss. "Is this a one time thing or will it happen again?"

"Do you want it to happen again?" I asked her my eyes never leaving hers.

"Yes, a thousand times yeah." She said with wide smile.

"Then it will most definitely be happening again." I said as I leaned down to give her a kiss. I got up and cleaned us both before she lay her head on my chest. I was happy that this happened with someone that I care so deeply about.

I little shorter than usual but hope you guys enjoyed it.

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