When You're Ready Part 2 (W.M)

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Requested by MsSmashley
Wanda GiP
Smut warning.
The long awaited part 2 you have all been waiting for

Y/N pov

After our last talk and telling Wanda about my insecurities, things have been better between us. She has been more understanding about boundaries and making sure that I am comfortable. I was on my way back from a simple recon mission with Nat in the jet.

"So how are things now with Wanda?" She asked me softly. Nat has always been like a sister to me.

"Things are great. I really can't wait to see her." I smiled as I thought about my girlfriend. I spent the rest of the journey home thinking about Wanda. She was everything that I had ever wanted and more, and I am lucky that she chose to love me. Once I made my way back to my room, it was filled with my favorite scented candles and steam coming from the bathroom. I smiled when I saw Wanda coming out of the bathroom humming the sokovian lullaby.

"Hey baby, you're back?" She beamed up at me she kissed me softly.

"That I am." I said as we pulled apart. "Did you do all of this?" I asked her as she gave me a shy smile.

"I thought it would be nice for you to relax after your mission." She said timidly.

"Thank you my love." I told her, smiling softly at her.

"Now get that sexy ass out of the suit and have a nice soak in the bath." She told me as I nodded and walked into the bathroom. Once I was situated in the bath, letting the heat soak into my skin relaxing me. I was pulled out of my thoughts when there was a knock on the door. "Can I come in?" I heard Wanda say through the door.

"Sure." I told her relaxed by the aromas of the bubble bath and candles.

"Here, I brought you some wine." She smiled at me as she handed me the glass which I took gratefully. "I uhm. I have set up your favourite movie as well." She spoke flustered which made me smirk since the bubbles had shifted due to the movement.

"I'll be in soon my love." I told her softly as she cleared her throat and nodded before leaving the bathroom in a hurry. I knew that she was clearly flustered by the sight of my chest becoming more visible to her. But I couldn't help but think about what it would be like if I was to let her make love to me. I wondered if she would be gentle or rough. I was slowly getting myself worked up just thinking about it. I was never worried about her reading my mind since she would never invade anyones privacy without their permission.

Once I was dried and dressed in the clothes she laid out for me which consisted of her hoodie and a pair of shorts, I made my way into the bedroom to see her sat on the bed. She lay back on the pillows and opened her arms for me. I excitedly jumped into her arms and rested my head on her chest as she pressed play. We were about halfway through the movie when I kept thinking of Wanda. The thoughts weren't exactly innocent and had me clenching my thighs together.

"Are you ok baby?" She asked me as she kissed my head.

"I'm good." I told her without looking at her.

"Are you sure?" She asked me again and all I could do was nod. I soon felt her hand move to my thigh as I tried my best to control myself. The more her delicate touch was on my skin the more the wetness pooled in my shorts. Once I had enough of needing her I grabbed her hand and moved it to my clothed core. She soon got the message and started to rub circles against my clothed clit. I turned around and kissed her hard as her hand kept working its magic 😏.

"I'm ready Wan." I told her between kisses.

"Are you sure?" She asked me as she searched my eyes for any doubt.

"I'm positive. I want this." I told her honestly. She then kissed me passionately before she flipped us both over. She hovered over me and looked at me with so much love in her eyes.

"You are so beautiful." She whispered as I caressed her cheek with a soft smile. "Tell me if you want me to stop." She told me before she kissed me again. Her hands were softly caressing my clothed sides as my hands were on here shoulders. I gasped when her hand went up my well her hoodie and lightly scratched my skin allowing her to slip her tongue in without any resistance from me. Our tongues danced together as we savoured each other as her other hand went inside my shorts. I moaned into her mouth when she ran her fingers through my folds before she applied pressure to my clit making me buck my hips. "Is this ok?" She asked me as she inserted a finger in my entrance. All I could do was nod as she thrusted at a steady pace. As she continued she added in a second making me moan louder. I was in heaven with how she was making me feel. I could feel something in my stomach which felt like I needed to wee.

"I need to wee." I breathed out.

"You don't baby. That feeling is you approaching your orgasm." She told me softly. "You just have to let it go." She whispered as she increased her speed and applied pressure to my clit with her thumb. It didn't take me long to let go all over her fingers. When she removed them she sucked them clean as I lay there and watched. "That is now my new favorite flavour." She whispered as she pulled me in for a rough kiss which I returned just as eagerly. Moaning at the taste of my self on her tongue. We both stripped off our clothes in no time and she hovered over me as she kissed me softly. "This may hurt at first but let me know if you want me to stop."

"Ok." I nodded as she kissed me again and ran her hardened cock through my folds making me moan and giving her extra lube. She slowly inserted herself, I winced in pain at first as she stayed still until it subsided. When it did I gave her the nod so she could move. She thrusted slowly as the pain turned into pleasure. She started to kiss and suck on my neck adding to my pleasure. Her thrusts started to speed up as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders keeping her flush against me as we were both moaning messes. "Faster." I breathed which she complied. We were both sweaty moaning messes with each thrust we were both getting closer to our climax. I let out a wanton moan as I came as Wanda pulled out and came on my stomach. She kissed me gently before she lay beside me panting.

"That was.." she started.

"Amazing." I breathed out. We both smiled at each other before she went to get herself cleaned up and she came back with a damp towel to clean my sensitive core and my stomach. "I love you so much." I told her softly as she threw the cloth in the hamper.

"I love you more." She told me as she lay beside me opening her arms for me to cuddle into her. "Thank you for giving me your precious gift." She told me making me blush. We both lay basking in eachothers closeness slowly drifting off into a peaceful slumber.


I know that this is a short one. Let me know what you guys think.

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