I Never Stopped (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was on my way to RDJs party, since I had worked with them since Iron Man 2 as Scarletts stunt double. I had formed a bond with all of the OG 6 especially Robert since we practically have the same sense of humour. As I pulled up in his driveway I had noticed that most of the cast were already there. He was throwing it to ease the new cast members into the group. I had no idea who they were. I got out of my car and made my way to the door and knock lightly on it. I was soon engulfed in a big hug by the man himself.
"Hey kid, how's it hanging?" He asked me as he pulled back from the hug.
"Hey man, it's going great. Just happy to be working with you guys again" I told him as he lead me into the lounge. He had a bar put in in the far corner.
"Well help yourself to a drink and join us all in the back. Everyone else is already here talking to the new members." He told me as he patted my shoulder before leaving. I decided to just go for a beer. As I made my way to the back yard I was greeted by hugs and hellos off the others until my eyes landed on very familiar emerald iris's. I swallowed dryly before going and taking a seat next to Robert. He is like a father figure since I hadn't seen or heard from my father since I was a kid.
"So kid, this is Aaron Taylor Johnson." Robert introduced us as I held out my hand for him to shake.
"This is Paul bettany and this is the lovely Elizabeth Olsen." After he said the last name I just froze and held out my hand for her to shake.
"Hi I'm Y/N Y/L/N" I told them as I quickly went and took my seat. They were all talking amongst themselves getting to know the newbies. I didn't notice how quickly I had finished my drink. Before I knew it I was on autopilot and walked mindlessly back inside to the bar. I didn't realise that the one person I didn't want to see followed me.
"Hey Y/N, can we talk?" Lizzie asked me with a small smile.
"There's nothing to talk about" I told her as I turned to walk away which I soon stopped as I felt her hand on my wrist turning me around to face her.
"Please Y/N/N" she asked me with a sad smile.
"No you don't get to call me that anymore not after what happened." I told her as I decided to go for something stronger than beer. It was probably a stupid idea, no it was a stupid idea. Soon enough Scarlett came in to see what was taking us both so long.
"Hey guys, we were wondering were you guys went. Roberts starting with his funny stories from when Y/N first worked with him years ago." She told us both with a smile which Lizzie then picked up her wine and walked out to the others while I was taking another shot of whiskey.
"Hey Y/N, what's wrong" Scarlett asked as she made her way over to me.
"It's nothing. Everything is all good" I told her as I refilled my glass.
"I've known you long enough to know when somethings wrong." She said as she pulled me over to the sofa. I made sure to bring the bottle with me.
"Honestly there's nothing to talk about." I said taking another swig.
"That bottle was a new one before and you've already drank over half of it." She said as she took the bottle from me.
"I didn't even realise I drank that much I'm sorry." I told her as I stood up from the couch. "I'm gonna head home. I'll say goodbye to the guys before I go" I then made my way over to back yard to let them know that I was going.
"Hey I'm heading off now guys. I'll see you on set on Monday." I told them as I waved. I then made my way towards the front door of the house.
"Hey were are your keys?" Scarlett asked as she followed out to the drive with Lizzie following behind her.
"It's OK, I've got them in my pocket" I told her as I patted my pocket.
"Listen Y/N I have no idea how your not stumbling over your own feet after the amount you have drank but you are not driving" she told me which made me pout.

Lizzies pov

I just watched as scarlett was scolding Y/N to make sure she didn't drive.
"She only had a beer and a couple of shots." I said confused.
"She drank over half of the bottle." Scarlett told me as Y/N started to walk to her car. We both ran to stop her from getting in. Scarlett stood in the way of the door.
"Come on Y/N don't be stupid." She told her as she rested her hand on her shoulder. I hated that she was like this because of me. I ended things with her because I was going to Russia to study and I had cheated on her at a party with my friends. But Ive regretted it ever since. I've never stopped loving her. I just didn't realise I would be seeing her so soon.
"Ok fine. I'll walk home and I'll pick my car up in the morning." She said as she put her keys in her pocket and started to walk towards the gates. I ran after her because I didn't want her to walk home on her own.
"It's OK scarlett I'll make sure she gets home safe." I told her as I started to run after Y/N.
"I'm fine Scar I don't need a baby sitter." She said without looking back.
"Well its a good job I'm not Scarlett." I told her with a smirk.
"Well I don't need you either. So just go back to the party." She said with a sarcastic smile.
"Well I'm walking you home to make sure you're safe." I told her as I looked forward. We both walked on an awkward silence.
"I'm sorry for everything Y/N" I told her honestly. I know she probably won't accept it but all I can do is try.
"Why did you do it?" She asked me with pain in her eyes.
"I was scared, my feelings for you were so strong and it scared me. I know it's not an excuse but it's the truth." I told her as we were stood outside her apartment building.
"Do you want to come inside for some coffee and we can talk" she asked as she looked down at her feet.
"I would love that" I told her with a smile. I followed her into the building and upto her apartment. It was so Y/N, everything was perfect. I followed her into the kitchen as she made some fresh coffee.
"Why were you scared?" She asked me as she passed me my cup.
"Because we've known eachother for so long since school and were best friends. I was deeply in love with you back then. It was like the only thing in my world that mattered was you. And I was scared to lose you when we were older so I screwed up what we had." I told her as I looked down at my coffee. I felt her put her finger on my chin making me look at her in the eyes.
"Do you regret it?" She asked me as she stared into my soul. I felt my heart beat rapidly out of my chest.
"Yes I still do. I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because of my fears." I told her as I moved around the counter to stand in front of her.
"I love you Y/N. I'm so in love with you it hurts. You're all I've been thinking about since I left you. I've never managed to move on from you because you are it for me. You are my life." I told her as we both had tears in our eyes. She then put her arms around my waist while I snaked mine around her neck. I pulled her in from the neck smashing my lips onto hers. A touch that I have craved for so many years. But I'm finally back in the arms of my person. The kiss was passionate and rough at the same time. We both broke away from the kiss and rested our foreheads together.
"Do you still love me?" I asked her as I looked into the eyes of my soulmate.
"I never stopped" she told me with a smile before pulling me into the bedroom to cuddle before we both drifted off to sleep.

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