World Cup Final (E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

Scarlett had been nagging me to go to the world Cup final with her and I just said yes to get her to shut up about it. I never thought that I would actually have to go. So here we are. On our way to our seats at the front right beside the pitch. We watched as the teams came on and warmed up before the national anthem.

We watched as the first half was neck in neck as the defence formations of both teams were tight. Of course there was one player that caught my eye. She was fast, very fast and really good with the ball. She managed to break through the back line of defence and scored the first goal of the match before the referee blew the whistle signalling that it was half time. I couldn't help but blush when she wiped her face with her t shirt showing off her defined abs. I was lost in just watching her that I hadn't heard Scar talking to me.

"Liz." She shouted to get my attention.

"Yeah?" I asked her as I looked at her.

"Are you OK?" She asked with a smirk while I just nodded. We waited for about 15 minutes before they started the second half. The opposing team seemed to be getting tired which was giving our team the opportunity to score two more goals. Everytime that one player scored she kept looking in our direction. I'm sure it's because she recognised Scar since she is the most beautiful girl that you could ever see.

Once the game had finished, that same player came up to us both with us being right beside the pitch.

"Hey can I have your number?" She asked me while I looked at her in shock.

"Me?" I asked her and she nodded with a smile. "And nor her?" I said as I pointed at Scar who was laughing quietly

"Yes, you." She said softly. I handed her my phone as she typed in her number and gave her phone I missed call. "I'll call you later beautiful." She said as she winked at me. I blushed hard and tried to hide my face from Scar who was now laughing loudly.

"Come on, it's not that funny Scar." I said as we both made our way out of the stands.

"Oh but it was Liz. You were so shocked that someone would actually want your number." She said with a smile.

"Well I uh I don't really think that I'm pretty OK." I said sadly as I looked at my feet.

"Liz you are beautiful OK. Anyone who thinks otherwise are clearly blind." She said as we made it to her car. The journey home was peaceful. When I got home, I got dressed into some comfy clothes and sat on the sofa with a glass of wine while I flicked through Netflix. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when I saw my phone light up.

Me: hello

Y/N: Hey its Y/N, I asked for your number after the game.

Me: Oh yeah hi,

Y/N: so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight. The team are going out for celebratory drinks and I really don't feel like it so I was wondering of you're up for grabbing some food?

Me: yeah, that sounds great. Just let me know where to meet you

Y/N: how about at (some restaurant)

Me: yeah I'll see you soon

Y/N: see you beautiful.

I blushed hard again, but thankfully no one was here to notice. I quickly got changed into a black dress and ordered an uber.

Y/N pov

I was standing outside the restaurant nervously. I was wondering of all of the possibilities that she wasn't coming or anything and I don't even have her name. What kind of an idiot am I. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when I heard a car pull up and saw her get out. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

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