Oh Shit! (W.M)

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Wanda pov

I was walking downstairs to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. As I was making myself a bowl of cereal Thor walked in for some pop tarts because he's obsessed with them.
"Good morning Lady Maximoff" he greeted me with a smile.
"Good morning thor" I said after swallowing a spoonful of cereal as I made my way over to the table. I saw Y/N walking in to the main room I her training gear with Steve and sam after they're morning run. I just sat there and admired my girlfriend as the sweat was dripping down her toned back as she was wearing a sports bra with her t-shirt in her hands. I was soon broken out of my thoughts when I heard Thor shouting from behind me.
"WHO ATE MY LAST POP TARTS" he shouted as he turned around to face all of us that was in the main room. We all just looked at him slightly amused. I knew it was Y/N by the look on her face. We've been together for almost a year and I've gotten to know all of her tells. I just looked at her with a smirk.
"Oh shit" she whispered just loud enough for Steve, Sam and myself to hear making the three of us laugh.
"You all think this is funny?" He asked us with an unamused expression with his arms crossed over his chest. "It's the main reason I come to midguard"
We all just laughed even harder qt his pout on his lips.
"Why don't you see if Tony can help you get to the bottom of it?" Steve asked him as he tried to stop his laughing. With that Thor just nodded and walked away to find Tony in his lab.
"It was you wasn't it Y/N?" Sam asked her with a smirk.
"I was hungry and I wanted something different" she said with a shrug as she walked over to give me a gentle kiss.
"Good morning mi amor" she said as she pulled away.
"Good morning baby. You do know when he finds out you're going to be killed by an angry god." I told her with a smirk.
"Y/N WHERE ARE YOU? YOU POP TART STEALING OAF" we heard thor shout from down the hall. We all laughed as Y/Ns went wide.
"Well. It was nice knowing you guys. I'm gonna go and hide in our room." She told us as she started towards the front door.
"Our room is the other way babe." I told her with a smirk.
"Oh I know. Its safer to climb the building at the moment." She said as she made her way outside before Thor walked in.
"Have any of you seen Y/N?" He asked as he looked between the three of us.
"She just left to go for a run" Sam said with a smirk.
"Ok then I shall wait for her" he told.us as he went and took a seat on the sofa as we just smirked at each other. Today is going to be interesting.

Time skip

We were all sat in the main room watching Harry Potter and GoF, which is Y/Ns favourite. Thor put the volume on loud to see if Y/N cam hear it and to try and get her down, but it's not working at the moment.
We all watched thor stand up to go towards the bedrooms as we all watched with a smirk. We all heard two doors open and close. We all watched the hall towards the bedrooms to see Y/N peeking into the main room.
"Is he here?" She whisper shouted to us all which we all just shook our heads. We all then heard another door as she started to slowly make her way in the room.
"THERE YOU ARE YOU POP TART STEALING IDIOT" Thor shouted as we all just smirked. We all watched as her eyes went wide as she turned to look behind her.
"OOHH SHHHIIIIITTTTT" She shouted as she started running with thor close behind her. We all just turned and watched to two of them forgetting about the film laughing, until she stopped half way around the counter.
"Hold on one second thor." She said to him before they both turned towards the rest of us.
"You should all be ashamed of yourselves. You put on an amazing film and your not even paying attention to it. At least have the decency to pause it." She scolded us all which only made us all laugh more. "Ok Thor we shall continue" she told him before they both started running around again.
"She is one nut case sometimes" Tony said with a smile.
"I like her. She's funny" Peter said as Tony ruffled his hair.
"I know me too kid" Nat said with a smirk.
"Hey she's my doofus, get your own" I told them which caused us all to laugh before turning back to watch the film as thor chased Y/N until he got tired and they both joined us in the main room to finish watching the film.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now