We Will Meet Again In Another Life pt 2(E.O)

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Lizzie's pov

It's been a few of weeks since we had buried and empty coffin for Y/N. I still feel lost and numb, not believing that its real. That my soulmate is gone forever. All they gave me was her dog tags which that they had found. I feel like I've had my heart ripped out everytime I step into our apartment. I've never took our engagement ring off and I always have her dog tags around my neck. I need to keep her with me at all times. She is well was apart of me and I know she wouldn't want me to not live my life. I was currently sitting in my trailer when Scar walked in with Rose at her heels. I've been spending alot of time with the both of them since we got the news. We've been helping eachother through losing her.

"Hi Auntie Lizzie" Rose said as she climbed on my lap to give me a hug.

"Hi rosebud, how's my favourite girl?" I asked as I gave her a squeeze.

"I'm OK, I miss Auntie Y/N. I just want her to come home" she said as she snuggled more into me making me tear up abit.

"I know bud, I miss her too" I said as I kissed the top of her head while let a few tears escape.

"Well come on, were needed in hair and make up, so come on Rose let Auntie Lizzie stand up" scarlett told her which she just tightened her grip on me.

"No I want Auntie Lizzie to carry me" she said into my neck.

"It's OK Scar, come on then rosebud." I said as I stood up with Rose latched onto me. The day went fairly quickly, when we had finished and got changed out of costume I made my way over to Scarletts for dinner with her, Rose and Colin. They've kind of been my safety net since everything has happened.

We were all sat in the living room watching frozen with Rose cuddled up to me on one sofa while Scar and Colin where on the other. Half way through the film, I had noticed that Rose had fell asleep.

"I'm gonna take her up to bed" I told Scar with a smile which she just nodded. I picked her up gently cuddling her in close. When we made it to her room I gently placed her in bed and tucked her in with a kiss to her forehead. I looked at her night stand and saw a picture of Y/N, Scar and me from the first year we were together and next to it was a picture of her and Rose. I smiled at them as silent tears started to fall down my cheeks. I still couldn't believe it sometimes. I made my way back downstairs to find Scar in the kitchen.

"Hey are you OK?" She asked as she turned to see my puffy eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. That child of yours really knows how to make me cry." I laughed as I wiped my tears.

"What do you mean?" She asked me with furrowed brows.

"The two pictures on her nightstand under her night light." I said with a smile.

"She asked for some pictures after I told her. She said that she still wanted her Auntie Y/N with her to protect her while she sleeps" scarlett said with tears in her eyes now making me cry harder. We both cried in eachothers arms until Colin came in.

"Are you girls alright" he asked as he walked over to us which we both just nodded.

"Lizzie saw the pictures on roses nightstand and I told her about when she asked for them." Scarlett said not breaking away from our embrace.

"I didn't realise how hard it must've been on her" I said as I sniffled.

"She's a strong kid" colin said with a soft smile.

"Yeah she is. She definitely learned that off her Auntie Y/N" Scarlett said with a small chuckle. "Well I'm going to go and check on her"

"I'll come with you" I told her as we both made our way up the stairs. When we both got to her door to see her snoring softly with a smile on her face. I reached around my neck and held my fiancé's dog tags. I gently took them off and hung then over the picture of her and Rose before walking over to Scar who had a soft smile on her face.

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