Torn Between Two Lovers (W.M)

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Wanda's pov

I was sat with Nat at the island as a majority of the guys were off on missions. So that left me, Nat, Bruce and Vision in the compound. I have had a dilemma regarding Vision and Y/N. I like them both, really like them but I can't really choose between them. Vision was there for me after Pietro died while Y/N was in a coma. I had known Y/N from when we volunteered at Hydra and we had an interesting relationship which we hadn't really labelled it. When Y/N woke up, I had already been on a couple of dates with Vision and we were dating. But I still had feelings for Y/N after all this time.

"You ok Wanda?" Nat asked breaking me from my thoughts.

"I guess so." I said unsurely.

"Isn't everything going well with Vision?" She asked me confused.

"Yeah, everything is fine I guess. It's just that since Y/N had woke up it's not the same." I groaned

"What do you mean?" She asked as she gave me her full attention.

"Well, Y/N and I used to have this thing when we were in Hydra together and in Sokovia. Then they got badly hurt in Sokovia and I lost Pietro. Then I only had Vision who really got me through it. So naturally I started to feel things for him. And now all of these feelings for Y/N are back." I groaned as I rested my head on the table.

"So you have got yourself a problem." She stated.

"Well obviously." I groaned. "What should I do?"

"It seems that you need to take time away from them both and sort out your feelings out." Nat said as I just nodded. "I can see if Fury can assign Y/N and Vision to a mission to give you time." She suggested.

"That sounds perfect. Thank you Nat." I said as I hugged her before I ran off to my room. As I was laying in bed Vision phased through my wall.

"Wanda darling, I sense a great deal of uncertainty within you." He stated as he stood there

"I'm fine Vis." I told him with a smile.

"Well I have been told to call you for dinner. Y/N and Steve have also returned." He said with a smile.

"I'll be right down. Thank you Vis." I smiled at him as he left my room through the door. He always manages to put a smile on my face without even trying but then there's Y/N. They have been there since we were kids after we lost our parents. Y/N helped Pietro and I through a lot. They made sure that both of us were happy and fed.

When I entered the kitchen I opted to sit in between Nat and Steve as Y/N was beside Steve talking with Nat about their mission. We were all talking and eating comfortably when Vis walked back in.

"Y/N, it seems you and I have a mission tomorrow." Vision stated as he sat down beside them.

"Any idea what it is?" They asked him. I watched as they both conversed about the mission before turning to Nat who had a smirk on her face.

"I will be gone for a week Darling." Vis said as he stood behind me.

"Be careful. Both of you." I said as I glanced over at Y/N who smiled at me.

"Don't worry Wanda, I'll make sure that Vis gets home in one piece." Y/N smirked as they followed Vision to the lab to go over their plan.

"So you have a week to think Wanda without either of them here." Nat smiled as she patted my back. I couldn't help but feel a little relieved that I can finally breath.

Over the course of the week I remembered everything of how Y/N would steal to make sure that we were fed before we volunteered for Hydra. They made sure that Pietro and I didn't starve and then we got seperated during the tests. They went into the Winter Soldier Programme while Pietro and I went into a completely different base. Then when we joined the Avengers against Ultron that was when we saw them again. They had looked so different from when we were last together. Then after Pietro died and Vision saved me, no one thought to make sure that Y/N was safe on the hellicarriers. Tony was the one to save them from the depths of the ocean below us. She was already on deaths door and we waited for months and months for them to wake. Then Vision was the one to keep my head above water when I thought I lost both Y/N and Pietro. I didn't know that they were going to wake up. So yeah I had started to get feelings for him.

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