My Wife and Kids (E.O)

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Y/N pov

I was woken up to my beautiful wife laying asleep on my chest making me smile. Even after all these years, she never ceases to make my heart flutter. But obviously our little quiet bubble was soon enough ruined by the loud voices of our two teenage twins.

"Baby, go and deal with your kids." Lizzie groaned as she turned over.

"My kids? Last I remember they are ours." I spoke with a smirk.

"If they are arguing before 9am on a saturday they are yours." She spoke as she glared at me. I groaned getting up and putting on my hoodie and walking downstairs to see what the conflict was.

"THAT WAS MY JUICE YOU CRETIN!!" I heard Olivia shout.

"I don't see your name on it." Alec replied.

"I'm surprised you can read dumbass." Olivia shouted.

"I can read you little prissy bitch." Alec raised his voice. When I walked in the kitchen, I saw the two of them fighting over the last bit of juice.

"HEY!!! Why are we arguing over the juice." I asked them as I looked between the two teens.

"It's the last bit of juice and I called dibs." Olivia spoke up.

"No you didn't, I did." Alec chimed in. I decided to take the juice from their grasp which caused them both to look at me.

"This last bit of juice?" I spoke as they both looked at me. I decided to drink the rest of it earning desgruntled exclamations from the two of them.

"Mama!!" They both whined.

"Well there you go, there is free water in the tap. Help yourselves." I smirked at them both as they walked out.

"You are just as bad as them." Lizzie spoke as she walked to the fridge.

"No I am not. You know you love me." I spoke as I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her neck.

"I know I don't." She teased as she tilted her head giving me more access.

"OH MY GOD. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE THAT FIRST THING IN THE MORNING!" Olivia shouted as she walked inside.

"I didn't want to hear you first thing this morning so I guess we are both disappointed." I spoke as Lizzie hit my arm trying to fight back a smirk.

"I thought you were meeting Claire?" Lizzie asked her.

"I was but she is hanging out with her boyfriend." She spoke as she sat down.

"Oh I am most definitely not happy about this. Is there anyone else you can hang out with?" I asked her as Lizzie pinched my side. "What?" I asked her.

"Our daughter is clearly unhappy." She told me.

"So am I. I was hoping to have some alone time with my sexy ass wife in our house alone. No kids. Or clothes." I spoke as I whispered the last part in her ear.

"As much as I would love that, the kids come first." Lizzie told me sternly before she approached our daughter. Then Alec walked in making me groan as I decided to just go upstairs.

"What's up with Mama?" He asked his mum.

"She isn't happy because we are here disrupting her alone time with mum." Olivia spoke with a smirk.

"I knew I should've pulled out 16 years ago." I told Lizzie with a glare making her laugh.

"You do know you are both old right?" Alec spoke as Lizzie hit him on the back of the head.

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