First Step (E.O x Daughter)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Not usually the type I do but here goes. Hope you guys enjoyed it
Sorry its a little shorter than usual.

Lizzie's pov

I woke up early this morning, I have the day off to spend with my baby girl. She's only 1. Robbie was on tour so it's just me and Y/N, so as I was preparing breakfast for us both, she was sat in her high chair banging a wooden spoon on the tray.

"Hey Lizzie, hello little one." Scarlett said as she let herself in and giving Y/N a kiss on the head.

"Hey Scar, where are the kids?" I asked her knowing that it was a weekend.

"Oh colins took them for the day so I can have a day to myself. So I thought why not visit my best friend." She said with a smile. "Because you're my beat friend aren't you cutie pie?" She cooed at the baby making me laugh.

"So what am I?" I asked her with a smirk.

"Oh you're just my besties mum." She said not taking her eyes away from my girl. I brought over both of our breakfasts. Scarlett took Y/Ns and started to feed her while I ate mine. "So how's it going with Robbie being on tour?"

"It's going great. We facetime every night so that she can hear her daddy's voice and see him. But we miss him but he should be home in a month so all is good." I told her with a smile.

"I'm sure it will fly by." She said with a soft smile which I returned and went back to eating my breakfast while I watched Scar interact with my baby.

Once we had finished our breakfast, I washed the dishes while scarlett said she would change Y/N for me. So while she was still getting her sorted I decided to go and check on my garden until I heard a squeal. I quickly dropped everything and ran inside to find Y/N standing up with Scar a little in front of her with he arms out ready. I had tears in my eyes watching her. I quickly took my phone out to record her.

"Come on princess, come to aunty Scar." She cooed as Y/N had her thumb in her mouth looking at her. We watched in anticipation for her next move. She took one step forward and then paused before taking another, slowly getting the balance for more. She then walked the rest of the way to Scar faster than she started and we both just squealed in excitement at her first steps.

"Aww baby girl, mummy's so proud of you." I said as I took her from scar and lifted her high up in the air and twirled her around earning a small giggle from the child. "I'm gonna send that to your daddy baby, he's gonna be so proud of you." I couldn't believe that my baby girl is growing up way too fast.


Also question:

What nicknames did your parents usually call you.

Mine was always devils spawn off my dad

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