Prank Wars (E.O)

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Requested by @AkhoLhangIthow

Y/N pov

I came home today from work, I was exhausted and all I wanted to do was have cuddles off my favourite girl. Once I walked through the front door I was soaked in some sort of goo before being covered in feathers. I looked in the direction of where the laughter came and saw my wonderful girlfriend with her phone out doing an Instagram live. Little does she know that she has started a war.

"Hi baby." She said in between laughs while I just scowled at her.

"I'm going to shower." I said as I walked past her. "And you're cleaning this mess up and buying me a new suit." I shouted back as I was at the top of the stairs.

As I was in the shower I came up with the perfect idea. I decided to leave it a couple of days so she thought that I had forgot about it.

We were both sat down cuddling on the sofa one night. We were watching some movie that she picked. I had already filled a pillow with flour and put it beside the sofa next to me. I waited until it got to one of her favourite scenes before I hit her with a pillow full of flour. I laughed as she gasped in shock as she was covered in white.

"Oh my you look like casper." I said as I clutched my stomach laughing.

"Oh it's so on." She said with a smirk as she edged closer to me.

"Oh it was already on casper when you started it. Just face it you're not going to win." I said with a smirk as she just walked passed me to get a shower. "And that guys is how you get payback but it's only the beginning." I said as I spoke into the camera.

The days went by, Lizzie swapped my shampoo with bright pink hair dye and now I'm going to work with bright pink hair like a cartoon character. I'm trying to do a serious job with pink hair. She couldn't have at least done it blue. Now blue I could work with but pink. Please just kill me now.

I put itching powder in her underwear while she was in the shower. We had a meal with our friends and she has been squirming all night. I had to try to hide my smirk as she just scowled.

"Are you OK liz?" Our friend asked her.

"Yeah I'm fine. I must be allergic to the washing powder." She said as she sent a subtle glare my way while I just laughed silently. "Y/N can you come with me just one second." She said as she stood up.

"I'm OK love." I said as I took a drink of my beer. Which she just took it from me and put it on the table and grabbed my hand dragging me to the bathroom. She pushed me in and locked the door.

"Give me your underwear?" She said as she started to take her underwear off

"I'm afraid I can't do that. My boxers will show through that pretty dress of yours." I teased her as I put her underwear in my pocket.

"Please, I can't go back out there without underwear and I'm not wearing them that you have fucking ruined." She said in a loud whisper.

"I guess your just going to have to go bare love." I said as I stepped closer to her. "You know I love it easy access." I teased her as I ran my finger up her thigh making her breath hitch. "I'll see you out there sweetheart." I said as I walked back out of the bathroom. I watched as Lizzie walked back to the table making sure that her dress doesn't ride up.

The rest of the night went by with me getting alot of glares from lizzie.

The next night we went to the club to have a nice drink which she brought back my bottle of beer. Once I had picked it up and tried to put it down she just laughed. I tried so hard to put it down but it just wouldn't.

"Looks like I've got the upper hand." She said as she pulled out her phone and done a selfie holding up the super glue and smiled as I was just concentrated on trying to get it off without ripping my skin.

I did finally get it off but I have now got a nasty graze where my skin used to be. Lizzie was about to walk in the bathroom to do her usual routine after she finished work. She doesn't know that I finished early and got some help from some friends to get my hands on a pennywise costume. I stood behind the shower curtain as I heard the door open. I had my camera on one of the high shelves to catch her reaction. Once she was stood at the counter wiping her make up off I decided to jump out. She screamed loudly as she started to throw everything I'm arms reach at me. I stopped chasing her as I clutched my stomach because I had given myself a stitch from laughing so hard. Lizzie was on the floor gasping for her breath as I took my mask off to look at her.

"Can we call it even?" She said breathlessly.

"Yeah, like I said I always win." I said as I gave her a kiss before I took off my costume. "I love you sweetheart."

"I love you too." She said as she went back into the bathroom but checking behind the curtain. Now she has definitely learned that I am the prankster king or well queen. But who's gonna worry about the technicalities. Well peace out dudes and happy pranking. 😏😉

I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I'm not really sure about it myself but a nice happy one since I made most of you cry yesterday. Hopefully you'll all forgive now

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