Our Forever (W.M)

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I Still Fucking Hate You part 3
Hope you guys enjoy 😉

Y/N pov

I couldn't believe that Wanda and I were having a baby. I've always wanted a family of my own but I never really had the chance to find the perfect woman. Well now I have the one person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And she's perfect in every way, from her mesmerising emerald eyes to her heart. And she definitely has my heart. We were both currently cuddling and watching some of her sitcoms. Her head was on my chest with her arm resting on my stomach. My arm around her waist while my other hand was intertwined with hers on my stomach. I know it seems like we both missed all the stages of dating and being a couple just jumping straight into parenthood, but because it's with her I don't regret it at all. Especially since I am one who believes in love at first sight and I fell for her the moment I first saw her even if she was the enemy at the time. She was like a siren and I was the sailor under her spell.

"Hey wands, how would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow night?" I asked her as I rubbed my hand up her back making her sigh in comfort.

"I would love that, even though I think we kinda skipped that stage of our relationship." She said with a chuckle.

"Well I will pick you up at 7pm tomorrow?" I told her with a chuckle at her answer.

I was happy for once in my life, I have the woman of my dreams and she's carrying our child and I couldn't love her more than I do now. As we were watching the TV I noticed her breathing started to even out and little snores start to leave her mouth telling me that she had fell asleep. I gently reached over to get the remote to turn off the TV and grab the comforter at the end of the bed to put over us both before drifting off to sleep myself.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed, I groaned as I opened my eyes to Wanda not being in the room so I decided to get up and make my way over to my room to get changed into my training gear. I met Steve at kitchen counter as I swiped a slice of his toast and take a bite.

"Hey get your own" he said as he glares at me.

"I just did." I replied with a smirk. "Anyway do you fancy going for a run with me?"

"Yeah, I'll just go get ready." He told me as he started to make his way to his room.

While we were out running I told him about everything since it's been awhile since we caught up with eachother. He was happy for Wanda and I, and he even offered to help set up our date for tonight. I decided a simple rooftop date with a nice view of new York watching all of it come to life after the sun sets, I've even set up my old record player up for some old music from when I was younger knowing that she likes most of the culture from then.

It was nearly time for me to pick up Wanda, so after I had got out of my shower I decided to wear a wine red dress shirt with dark grey slacks knowing that red is her favourite colour. When it was time I walked over to Wanda's door and knocked. I only waited a few seconds before she opened it wearing a beautiful red dress. It seems that we were matching for tonight.

"You look absolutely beautiful" I told her with a wide smile as I stared into her eyes.

"You look handsome" she said as I held out my hand to her. I lead her up to the roof where it was all set up with a table for two and her favourite meal, paprikash which I learned how to cook with the help of vision. I pulled out the chair for her and slid her closer to the table before taking a seat myself. I couldn't help but admire the huge smile she had on her face.

"This is the most wonderful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you Y/N" she said with tears in her eyes. "Is that paprikash?" She asked while I just nodded. We both ate in a comfortable silence enjoying eachothers company. When we both had finished eating we started to make small conversation.

Elizabeth Olsen/Wanda Maximoff One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now