Honeymoon (E.O)

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Requested by Lizziesmommymilkers
Smut warning
Dom Lizzie x Sub reader

Y/N pov

Lizzie and i had finally tied the knot after being together for 3 years. So now we are on our way from the airport to our hotel. Once we were checked in we both looked in our suitcases to see what Scarlett packed since she wanted to pack our bags. When I looked in mine I saw plenty of revealing clothing.

"Why did we have Scar pack our bags again?" I asked my wife as I turned to face her.

"I don't know but I can see that this is going to be so much fun." She said as she held up some handcuffs and a blindfold with a smirk. I walked over to hers to see pretty much the same type of clothes and some other things.

"What the fuck are we supposed to do with this." I asked holding up a strapless strap on making lizzie laugh at my widened eyes. "I'm truly gonna kill her when we get home."

"Well come on, let's go and get some dinner and maybe I'll show you." She whispered in my ear nibbling at the lobe while I held in the moan threatening to escape. We both left to go and get some food and for a nice walk on the beach.

"I love you so much." I told her out of the blue as we both walked in silence.

"I love you too wifey." She said with a smile

"I love the sound of that." I said softly. "And I love being your wife more than anything."

"Me too baby. I can't believe that we started out secretly crushing on eachother while everyone was getting sick of us both being oblivious that we both felt the same." She said as we both laughed at the memories.

"Oh my god, yeah. Scar would always take the piss because everytime we spoke to eachother I was always a stuttering mess." I said with a giggle.

"Oh and you would always leave half way through a conversation which made me wonder if you hated me at first." She said with a smile.

"I always used to think that you'd think i was a freak." I laughed out as we both walked back to our hotel.

"I would never think you were a freak." She told me softly as we stopped walking in the moonlight. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid eyes on and I plan on telling you everyday for the rest of our lives." She finished as I pulled her in for a passionate kiss. "Let's head back." She whispered against my lips while I nodded my head getting lost in her eyes.

Once we got into our hotel room as I shut the door and turned around I was pushed up against as she kissed me hard. Her hands rested on my hips while my hands snaked around her neck. I parted my mouth slightly as she pushed her tongue through dominating the kiss. We both moaned as our tongues danced together.

"Bedroom now." She husked in my ear as she pushed through the bedroom door before she turned me back around to face her and pulled me in for a bruising kiss. I felt her hands go down the front of my chest as she undone my shirt and pushed it off my shoulders. I felt the goosebumps form on my skin as she slightly scratched down my chest and stomach. Where her hands lingered on my abs. "Oh god, I do love your abs. There like my own personal washboard and I would love to ride them." She whispered seductively as her finger scratched the outline of my abs before she kissed my neck as her hand found its way to my pants. She quickly discarded them as I took off my bra while she pulled my underwear off. "Lie down with you arms up." She told me as she pushed me back with her hand resting on my stomach. I done as I was told as she got the handcuffs and cuffed me to the bed. She reached over for the blindfold while I shook my head. "You don't want it baby girl."

"I want to see you fuck yourself on my abs first." I told her with a smirk which she matched. I watched as she slowly stripped herself as I pulled on the restraints unable to move to touch her perfect body. I watched as she crawled up me to give me a passionate kiss before straddling my stomach. I could feel her dripping core on my skin making me moan at the sensation. I watched as she started to roll her hips rubbing her clit on my abs. I reveled at the sight before me getting wetter just watching her. This was something new and different since she hasn't done this before.

"Oh my Y/N." She moaned as she started to twist her nipples and massage her breasts to add stimulation.

"You're so beautiful love." I breathed out as I watched her. My eyes looked at my stomach where I could see her arousal on my stomach before going up to her face. I watched as she was getting closer to her climax. "Are you gonna cum."

"Oh god yes." She breathed as she went faster and pressed herself down harder on my abs. I moaned as i could feel her clit on my stomach and her mouth was in an O shape as she let out a loud moan as she came all over me. She kissed me again once she came down from her high. "Wow. That was better than i though it would be." She said as she pulled away. She reached beside her for the blindfold and put it on me. I felt the bed move but I couldn't see or feel her near me. "Are you ready baby." She asked while I nodded frantically. "You don't cum until I say OK?"

"Yes." I breathed out as i felt her lick from my stomach up to my neck before she started to suck on my sweet spot making me moan. She always knew how to get me going. She started to trail her kisses down my chest and stomach until she reached my core. I moaned when I felt her suck in my clit trying to push myself further into her. I soon let out a loud moan as she thrusted two fingers in my entrance. I was a moaning mess beneath her as everything that I felt was heightened. I moaned loudly as she curled her fingers hitting my g spot repeatedly making it hard not to cum. I whined when she removed herself from the bed and I couldn't feel her inside me.

"Lift up." She said as she patted my hips which I complied as I felt her put a towel beneath me. Before she moved again. I heard her moan before I felt the bed shift again. I was on edge not being able to see what was going to happen. "Are you ready baby?" She asked softly as I felt the toy running through my folds.

"Oh god yes. Please make me cum." I begged her.

"Oh I'm gonna make you squirt baby." She said as she kissed me roughly. I moaned into her mouth when she slammed the toy inside of me without warning. She started to thrust in slowly teasing me.

"Faster please." I pleaded wanting to reach my orgasm. She complied as we both moaned with the toy pleasuring us both at the same time.

"You getting closer baby?" She asked me as she went faster and harder.

"Yes." I moaned out as she kept her pace going.

"Well too bad." She breathed as she continued to thrust. I felt her legs shake telling me that she had reached her second orgasm while I still needed my first but I know it's going to be a long night of edging. She had came another 2 times before she reached her 5th. "Cum with me baby." She moaned out as I felt her cum seep down my entrance as I squirted. Once she had pulled out and untied me and took the blindfold off. "I told you I would make you squirt." She said with a triumphant smirk.

"You're the only one that will ever be able to do that." I told her honestly as she lay down beside me with her head rested on my chest as I held her close.

"Good because you are mine." She said as she looked at me.

"There's no one else for me but you my love." I told her as I gave her a soft passionate kiss. "This is going to be fun." I said making us both laugh. "I love you so much"

"I love you more wifey." She said with a bright smile before we both fell asleep in eachothers arms.

I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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