I'm Sorry (E.O)

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Requested by  Chenai216

Lizzie's pov

Since Y/N has been medically discharged from the Marines she's been in a very dark place. Shes been drinking a lot. I don't think I've seen a night that she hasn't had a drink in a very very long time. I understand that it was something that she had loved to do since she left school. It was a part of her. But the times that she goes out she comes home really drunk with cuts and bruises from bar fights. I just really want my Y/N back.

I'm currently sat on the sofa waiting for her to come home at 2am and Im getting sick of it. It seems like she doesn't care about the marriage anymore and I miss my wife. I heard the keys turning in the lock and see her come in, well stumble in with a new cut on her eyebrow. I follow as she goes straight to the kitchen. I watch as she gets the vodka from the fridge.

"Dont you think you should stop?" I stated bluntly.

"Why?" She slurred as she started walking upstairs to our room.

"Because I want my Y/N back. The one that was caring and wouldn't hurt anyone unless it was protecting her family." I said as I followed her.

"Well news for you. She died the moment she lost everything." She shouted as she turned abruptly to face me.

"YOU HAD ME." I shouted getting fed up.

"YEAH HAD. PAST TENSE. THE MOMENT I COULDNT PROTECT MY BUDDY WAS THE MOMENT I DIED." She shouted back as she walked closer to me making my foot slip and fall down the stairs. As soon as I was at the bottom I felt a shooting pain in my left arm with the way I landed on it. I watched as she ran downstairs with nothing but guilt and horror in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She mumbled as tears started to well up in her eyes.

"Can you get me my phone please." I asked through gritted teeth. I watched as she ran back into the living room and brought it straight to me. I quickly unlocked it and rang Scar.

S: Hey Lizzie. Why are you calling this late.

L: I need you to take me to the hospital. I've fell down the stairs and I think I've broke my arm.

S: is Y/N drunk again?

L: yes but I really need your help please

S: I'll be there in 10.

L: thank you Scar. The doors unlocked for you.

After I had hung up I looked at Y/N who was sat in the corner with her head on her knees. Rocking back and forth. I felt bad for her, I know this isn't her fault but I just need her to talk to me instead of drinking her problems away. It didn't take Scar long to get here. She came running straight over to us both frantically.

"Oh my god, Lizzie are you ok?" She asked as she helped me sit up.

"I'm good, just in pain that's all." I said through gritted teeth.

"Y/N you really need to get a grip of yourself. You could've done worse to her." Scar scolded as she helped me stand up.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." She kept saying as she rocked back and forth.

"Scar it wasn't her fault, I was the one who slipped." I told her trying to get her to ease up on my wife. "She's been through alot and needs our help not a good scolding."

"Ok, well let's get you to the hospital." She said as she guided me.

"Baby, please get some sleep." I begged her before Scar and I left the house. I hated leaving her like this. I should be there to help her.

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