Vacation (E.O)

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Requested by AkhoLhangIthow

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Smut warning
Some kinky shit going here 😳

Lizzie's pov

For the past 5 months both Y/N and I hardly ever see eachother, Y/N is an FBI agent and I'm proud of how far she had got. When she comes home from work, I'm heading off to work. Sometimes she doesn't come home when she is working on an important case. All I know is that I miss my fiancé. For the past month she's been undercover for a case since she is the best undercover agent they have. No one knows about our relationship so she hasn't been seen by the public or my fans. Only our friends and family know about us. I just wish that I could hear her voice.

Y/N pov

I was on my way home from being undercover and my boss had gave me a few weeks off. So I decided to book us both a small getaway at a small cabin in the countryside. It's something small and away from the public eye giving us both some privacy. Once I walked through the door Lizzie jumped in my arms in a bone crushing hug.

"I've missed you so much." She whispered in my neck.

"I've missed you too." I told her as I kissed her head. I kicked the door closed as I walked us both into the living room and sat down on the sofa with Lizzie on my lap. "I've got something to tell you."

"What is it?" She asked as she pulled back to look at me.

"Well I've booked us a week away at one of those cabins that you've been wanting to go to." I told her with a smile which she returned.

"When do we leave?" She asked me excitedly.

"Day after tomorrow." I said softly as she quickly jumped off my lap and started to drag me upstairs to our room.

"Come on, we need to pack." She said as she kept walking.

"Ok." I said with a laugh as she was like a kid at Christmas.

On the morning we were leaving, I had put the bags into the car and made sure that we had everything we needed before we both got in and started our journey. We were both excited to finally have a break away, just the two of us. I drove with my hand rested high up on Lizzie's thigh. With every bump in the road my hand moved up slightly and I could hear her breath hitch so I just smirked. I know that this vacation is going to be fun.

Once we arrived, we both grabbed our bags and walked up to the cabin.

"It's beautiful out here." Lizzie said as she admired the scenery.

"I know and it's peaceful. Just the perfect place for a break for us." I said as I kissed her lips and took her bag from her and walked up to the cabin. She opened the door and looked around in awe at the log walls. It had a homey feeling to it. Once I had put our bags in the bedroom I walked to the kitchen to see lizzie looking around.

"Im gonna go to the store, I'll be back soon baby." She said as she gave me a soft kiss before walking out to the car. I decided to lay down on the sofa and rest my eyes for a moment. I don't know how long I was resting my eyes because I woke up to the smell of food cooking. I got up and walked to the kitchen to see my beautiful fiancé cooking and dancing in the kitchen. I just stood and admired the way she moved before I walked up and spun her around in my arms.

"Hi sweetheart." I said as she rested her hand on my chest

"Hi baby." She replied before she gave me a kiss. "Here, try this." She said as she put some of the pasta sauce on the spoon to my mouth.

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