You're Watching It Without Me(E.O)

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I just want to thank you guys for all of your support. Its just been really hard lately. It was a struggle but now I have been smoke free for 3 months thanks to my other half doing it with me. My head is clearer than it was before. And make sure that when you do finally open yourself up for a relationship, they treat you like you're the most important thing in the world. Even the smallest things they do for you are huge. Never take them for granted either because they maybe the one constant in your life that you can count on, even more than your own family.

Also it is never good to keep your emotions locked inside even if your parents have made you think that is what you should do. Trust me its not what you should do. There will always be that one person who will listen to you with no judgement and just be there to support you.

Also I have sort of worked out a schedule for posting chapters on my books for you guys.

Monday - will be either of the one shots
Tuesday - Come Home to Me
Wednesday - Hard Love
Thursday - My Greatest Love
Friday - My Green Eyed Girl
Saturday - My Best Friends Sister
Sunday - Chaos Calling

So sorry for the huge message but enjoy the small fluffy story and again thank you for your support and patience. I love you all 3000

Requested by Wandanelle

Y/N pov

I was on my way home to from work to watch the final episode of Killing Eve with my wife. The one person who means the world to me. So as soon as I pulled up at in the driveway, I dashed to the front door and to our bedroom to get out of my suit. As I walked in our bedroom I saw Lizzie sat on the bed watching the final without me.

"Hi baby." She greeted me sweetly.

"Don't hi baby me. You're watching it without me." I told her sternly.

"I'm sorry I was bored." She smiled shyly at me.

"You could've made some food if you were bored. You could have fucked yourself but no you had to watch the final episode all by yourself." I scolded her.

"First off, I made some popcorn. Second my fingers just don't do me as good as you do. Thirdly you were late and didn't tell me." She told me with a smirk.

"I had to stay behind. I am only an hour late and I texted you when I found out." I told her as she checked her phone.

"Yeah well that is besides the point." She said as she placed her phone back down. "So you can go and shower or bath while I finish watching this." She said as she held the remote. Before she could press play I jumped on her and grabbed the remote from her and put it on the shelf with my Wanda Funko Pops collection which are to high up for her short ass to reach for. "Seriously baby?" She whined at me as I started to take off my suit.

"Seriously baby." I mocked her as I got my towel and underwear before heading into the bathroom.

"That is real mature Y/N." She huffed after me making me chuckle. Once I had my shower I walked out of the bathroom in my underwear as she remained in her previous spot from before.

"I'm going to get some food with actual nutrients in it." I told her as I walked out of our bedroom to the kitchen. As I was making myself a sandwich I heard her angry footsteps approaching.

"I want a divorce." She told me sternly.

"On what grounds?" I asked as I took a smug bite of my sandwich.

"I am not sure but I will figure it out." She told me making me chuckle. "Stop laughing at me."

"I am so sorry ma'am, it will not happen again." I mocked her trying to keep a straight face.

"Yeah you are damn right it won't." She scolded me as she took the other half of my sandwich.

"Hey, you have your popcorn upstairs this is mine." I told her sternly as I approached her. She stepped back away teasingly with the sandwich in her hands. She started to run upstairs to our room with me on her heels. Once she was in the room I dived on her and made sure that she landed on the bed.

"Hi." She whispered beneath me.

"Hi." I told her as I pecked her nose making her do the adorable nose scrunch. She kissed me softly. "So how about we watch that episode now." I asked her softly.

"Yes." She smiled brightly at me. We both moved and I got the remote and she cuddled into my side instantly.

"I love you." I told her softly.

"Shhh, you're gonna miss it." She scolded me.

"Did you just shush me as I proclaimed my love to you?" I asked her with fake hurt.

"Yes I did and I already know how much you love me because you married me." She told me.

"Yeah, I'm starting to wonder why." I muttered which she heard and sat up.

"What was that?" She asked me sternly.

"I don't know?" I said with a dumbfounded look.

"You know what?" She started.

"You love me?" I didn't let her finish.

"Of course I do now lets watch." She told me with a soft kiss as she took the remote and lay back on my chest as she pressed play on the TV.


I haven't really watched Killing Eve so I couldn't point out scenes or that from the show but anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this one.

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